commitment . determination . success
'Intro to Competition coaching course' in Saskatchewan

At the request of Ron Edwards, Manitoba TT executive director, TTsask organised last week end in the historical town of Fort Qu Appelle ( Sk) an “ Introduction to Competition “ course facilitated by TTsask technical coach Paul Noel, alongside with a camp for youth Athletes of the 2 provinces lead by Arvin Tronco the provincial coach of Manitoba. 

The aim of this first week end was to” base train” these 7 candidates – 3 MB + 4 SASK– and prepare them to teach young athletes from beginners to intermediate level. 

If usually future coaches use to teach each other the different techniques and spend most of the time in a class room, here, they spent 80 % of the time working with kids from Fort Qu’Appelle s club. Aged from 8 to 14, those kids took advantage of this nice opportunity and showed real progress in 2 days, The candidates, for their part, were directly in front of the reality of the gym,  learning to point out the different problems and trying to find a solution, learning to demonstrate, to explain, to improve their skills in Multi balls training, but also the theory that goes with it. 

The second week end promises to be really exciting and rich for all the candidates. Good luck to Marin Pinku , Marin Miclea, Wei Wan, Howard Liou (SK) and Phong Nguyen, Yu Meng, Raul Bernales ( MB).