commitment . determination . success
Table Tennis Canada's TOPS School Program Packages

TOPS School Program Packages offers competitively priced, top quality table tennis tables, balls, rackets, and other equipment to help jump start your school club.  Must be a valid school, or school board to take advantage of the special pricing offered in the flyer.
The TOPS School Program is an important part of the Table Tennis Canada's goal to develop players from the grass roots to the podium. Our schools program is dedicated to introducing young people to the sport of table tennis.
The Tops School program is an important part of Table Tennis Canada's Long Term Athlete Development model. The technical material can be used to reply to needs in the TT4Life stream, or, if more rigorously applied, to the Learn to Train and Train to Train stages of the hIgh Performance stream. 

The TOPS school training and competition activities are a first step to introduce pupils to table tennis as a sport! Through the TOPS School Program TTCAN also trains teachers in the entry level of TTCAN NCCP coaching education program. Through its partner, TTCAN provides schools with quality table tennis equipment. 

TOPS School Manual
Table Tennis Canada’s TOPS School Manual is available in French and English, and is a great resource for teachers and community level coaches wishing to start a table tennis program at their school.

The manual can be purchased for $30 + shipping + applicable taxes.

For more information, please send an e-mail to