DA SILVA Willian : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * CCTTA CNY 2018 339 DING Udy Zixin 2222 1548 1 0 674 T Sig
2 * CCTTA CNY 2018 339 BERLINKOV Iakov 2222 1813 1 0 409 T Sig
3 * CCTTA CNY 2018 339 SADEGHIFAR Ali 2222 1991 3 0 231 T Sig
4 ** Ontario Championship 341 SADEGHI Pedram 2416 1304 2 0 1112 T Sig
5 ** Ontario Championship 341 Borushko George 2416 1513 2 0 903 T Sig
6 ** Ontario Championship 341 WEI Adrian 2416 1668 2 0 748 T Sig
7 ** Ontario Championship 341 ALI Muhammad Hasan 2416 1780 2 0 636 T Sig
8 ** Ontario Championship 341 LIN Austin Yimin 2416 2379 11 0 37 T Sig
9 ** Ontario Championship 341 XU David 2416 2187 5 0 229 T Sig
10 ** Ontario Championship 341 LIU Ken 2416 2285 8 0 131 T Sig
11 ** Ontario Championship 341 Zhang Charlie 2416 1704 2 0 712 T Sig
12 ** Ontario Championship 341 SHEN Derek 2416 853 2 0 1563 T Sig
13 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 JONCAS Émile 2437 1542 2 0 895 Sig
14 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 HOU Xin 2437 1729 2 0 708 Sig
15 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 LAM Ricky 2437 1898 2 0 539 Sig
16 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 BEAUDOIN Patrick 2437 1421 2 0 1016 Sig
17 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 LALONDE Marc 2437 1670 2 0 767 Sig
18 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 DUFRESNE Frédérik 2437 1883 2 0 554 Sig
19 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 ANGERS Gabriel 2437 1844 2 0 593 Sig
20 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 MARTIN Simeon 2437 1956 2 0 481 Sig
21 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 FAUCHER Carlos 2437 1651 2 0 786 Sig
22 ** Ontario Cup Final 2018 350 CAO Raymond 2467 1665 2 0 802 Sig
23 ** Ontario Cup Final 2018 350 SHIAO Ann 2467 2044 2 0 423 Sig
24 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 GUILLET Natacha 2437 1548 2 0 889 Sig
25 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 LAFLEUR Carl-Éric 2408 1694 2 0 714 Sig
26 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 CUCHIRITA Adina Maria 2408 1866 2 0 542 Sig
27 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 GUILLET Natacha 2408 1655 2 0 753 Sig
28 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 FAUCHER Carlos 2408 1717 2 0 691 Sig
29 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 BEAULIEU Jordan 2408 1933 2 0 475 Sig
30 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 LAFLEUR Carl-Éric 2408 1694 2 0 714 Sig
31 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 JONCAS Émile 2408 1807 2 0 601 Sig
32 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 ZENG Raymond 2408 1833 2 0 575 Sig
33 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 ROULEAU Leo 2467 929 2 0 1538 Sig
34 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 SARAYEV Roman 2467 1212 2 0 1255 Sig
35 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 DESBIENS Alexandre 2467 1436 2 0 1031 Sig
36 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 RAMIREZ Mariana 2467 1722 2 0 745 Sig
37 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 MONTMINY David 2467 1938 2 0 529 Sig
38 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 CABRERA MALLETTE EMILIA 2467 1859 2 0 608 Sig
39 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 LO Eddie 2467 1724 2 0 743 T Sig
40 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 DULLAERT Meech 2467 1359 2 0 1108 Sig
41 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 Zhong Judy 2467 798 2 0 1669 Sig
42 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 LAMIRANDE Alex 2467 898 2 0 1569 Sig
43 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 MARSHALL Eric 2467 939 2 0 1528 Sig
44 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 382 RONG Stephen 2498 958 1 0 1540 Sig
45 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 382 Gao Panda 2498 1424 1 0 1074 Sig
46 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 CHEN Jaelen 2500 1031 1 0 1469 Sig
47 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 PARIKH Vedant 2500 1376 1 0 1124 Sig
48 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 QAMRI Abdul Javad 2500 1435 1 0 1065 Sig
49 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 SINGH Gunraj 2500 1325 1 0 1175 Sig
50 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 WU Liang David 2500 904 1 0 1596 Sig
51 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 SAIMBHI Parminder 2488 1140 1 0 1348 T Sig
52 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 SHARMA Akhilesh 2488 938 1 0 1550 T Sig
53 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 PARIKH Vedant 2488 1433 1 0 1055 Sig
54 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 QAMRI Abdul Javad 2488 1531 1 0 957 Sig
55 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 LI Marvello 2500 927 1 0 1573 Sig
56 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 MARTENS Oleg 2500 1820 1 0 680 Sig
57 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 GAUTHIER Sophie 2408 2104 3 1 304 Sig
58 ** Ontario Cup Final 2018 350 LI Jeffrey 2467 2122 3 1 345 Sig
59 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 GREWAL Jordan 2500 2388 5 4 112 Sig
60 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 COTE Alicia 2408 2283 8 6 125 Sig
61 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 GOUTORBE Geoffrey 2437 2365 9 7 72 Sig
62 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 CHARBONNEAU Stephane 2467 2375 9 7 92 Sig
63 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 RAYMOND Zakary 2437 2376 9 7 61 Sig
64 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 MITHANI Rahim 2500 2628 14 12 -128 Sig
65 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 DUMOULIN Félix 2437 2464 15 13 -27 Sig
66 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 GOUTORBE Geoffrey 2408 2518 21 19 -110 Sig
67 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 GOUTORBE Geoffrey 2408 2518 21 19 -110 Sig























DA SILVA Willian loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 CERNA Giancarlo 2335 2488 16 13 -153 Sig
2 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 ALI Amil 2739 2488 3 2 251 Sig
3 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 384 MITHANI Rahim 2596 2488 5 4 108 Sig
4 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 CERNA Giancarlo 2304 2500 16 13 -196 Sig
5 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 MOKHOV Andrey 2361 2500 14 12 -139 Sig
6 * 2022/23 MyTTC House League 383 ZAGOSKIN Sergei 2306 2500 16 13 -194 Sig
7 ** Circuit Québécois #4 362 BAHMANI Akbar 3479 2467 2 0 1012 Sig
8 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 GAUTHIER Pierre-Anthony 2416 2408 12 10 8 Sig
9 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #5 352 SIZUN Romain 2237 2408 24 0 -171 T Sig
10 ** Ontario Cup Final 2018 350 RAHIME Zakria 1802 2467 33 31 -665 Sig
11 ** Ontario Cup Final 2018 350 CSIBI Alex 2556 2467 9 7 89 Sig
12 ** Ontario Cup Final 2018 350 XU Joyce 2127 2467 30 28 -340 Sig
13 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 RAYMOND Zakary 2376 2437 18 16 -61 Sig
14 ** Circuit Québécois Sports Experts / Donic #1 347 CANTARELLI Fred 2520 2437 9 7 83 Sig
15 ** Ontario Championship 341 TOTKALO Vladyslav 2462 2416 11 9 46 T Sig
16 ** Ontario Championship 341 PANDE Vikalp 2555 2416 8 6 139 T Sig
17 * CCTTA CNY 2018 339 YU Jack 2453 2222 3 2 231 T Sig
18 * CCTTA CNY 2018 339 PANDE Vikalp 2585 2222 2 1 363 T Sig