REDDEN Danny : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 BELLEFONTAINE Stacey 930 204 1 0 726
2 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 MORINE Tyler 930 286 1 0 644 T
3 NS Team 0 YUE Zhihao 976 410 1 0 566 T
4 NS Team 0 XU Gansheng 976 416 1 0 560
5 NS Team 0 GOOSENS Stéphane 976 545 1 0 431
6 NS Team 0 SHARMA Dhruv 976 553 1 0 423
7 NS Team 0 TRENAMAN Stephen 976 560 1 0 416
8 NS Leagues _ 15_Feb_04 0 KENT Isaac 930 564 2 1 366
9 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 CHATFIELD Michael 930 566 2 1 364
10 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 MOULTON Bruce 930 575 2 1 355
11 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 PINK Traci 889 536 2 1 353
12 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 SCHMIDT Alix 930 642 3 1 288
13 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 HASHIGUCHI Miyuki 930 646 3 1 284
14 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 KELLY Colin 939 681 3 1 258
15 NS Team 0 KEAVENEY Peter 976 721 3 1 255
16 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 KELLY Colin 876 627 3 1 249
17 NS League 179 KELLY Colin 942 745 4 2 197
18 NS League 0 KELLY Colin 942 745 4 2 197
19 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 YUEN Brian 889 718 4 2 171
20 NS Team 0 CORMIER Jean-Francois 976 824 4 2 152
21 NS Team 0 XU Jamie 976 835 5 2 141
22 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 YUEN Brian 976 849 5 2 127
23 Cape Breton Highland Academy 0 YUEN Brian 903 785 5 2 118
24 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 YUEN Brian 939 837 5 2 102
25 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 YUEN Brian 959 857 5 2 102
26 NS League 0 YUEN Brian 942 845 6 3 97
27 NS League 0 KENT Isaac 942 871 6 3 71
28 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 RUDOLPH Darren 879 912 10 5 -33
29 NS League 0 DECOSTE Andy 942 980 10 5 -38
30 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 DECOSTE Andy 976 1062 12 6 -86
31 NS Leagues 191 PERIGO Richard 1057 1169 14 7 -112
32 NS Leagues 191 SHAIKH Ashraf 1057 1202 14 7 -145
33 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 PERIGO Richard 976 1124 14 7 -148
34 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 939 1087 14 7 -148
35 NS L 0 DECOSTE Andy 1067 1218 17 8 -151
36 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 DECOSTE Andy 876 1031 17 8 -155
37 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 889 1063 17 8 -174
38 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 879 1078 17 8 -199
39 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 905 1105 22 11 -200
40 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 GREENOUGH David 976 1185 22 11 -209
41 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 876 1101 22 11 -225
42 Cape Breton Highland Academy 0 RUDOLPH Darren 903 1131 22 11 -228
43 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 GREENOUGH David 959 1198 22 11 -239
44 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 GREENOUGH David 876 1178 30 15 -302
45 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 ERSKINE Wayne 976 1500 50 25 -524























REDDEN Danny loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 NS Leagues 191 KENT Isaac 1326 1057 3 1 269
2 NS Leagues 191 RUDOLPH Darren 1465 1057 1 0 408
3 NS Leagues 191 KING Jim 1508 1057 1 0 451
4 NS Leagues 191 ERSKINE Wayne 1397 1057 2 1 340
5 NS L 182 RUDOLPH Darren 1385 1067 2 1 318
6 NS L 182 GREENOUGH David 1218 1067 4 2 151
7 NS League 179 SHAIKH Ashraf 1112 942 4 2 170
8 NS League 179 RUDOLPH Darren 1352 942 1 0 410
9 NS League 179 KENT Ian 2171 942 1 0 1229
10 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 159 YUEN Brian 715 905 17 8 -190
11 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 159 MARTELL Alan 1725 905 1 0 820
12 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 159 LEBRASSEUR Pierre 1088 905 4 2 183
13 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 0 FADER Alex 914 905 8 4 9
14 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 0 LAW Derek 1522 905 1 0 617
15 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 0 MARTELL Alan 1725 905 1 0 820
16 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 0 LEBRASSEUR Pierre 1088 905 4 2 183
17 NS Leagues _ 13_Apr_03 0 YUEN Brian 715 905 17 8 -190
18 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 PERIGO Richard 1104 959 5 2 145
19 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 DECOSTE Andy 1032 959 6 3 73
20 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1476 959 1 0 517
21 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 RUDOLPH Darren 1313 959 2 1 354
22 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 1119 959 4 2 160
23 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 KENT Ian 2189 959 1 0 1230
24 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 KENT Isaac 1066 959 5 2 107
25 NS Team 0 WANG Eric 1158 976 4 0 182 T
26 NS Team 0 OULTON Philip 896 976 12 6 -80
27 NS Team 0 DUKESHIRE Steven 913 976 12 6 -63
28 NS Team 0 HINES Steven 833 976 14 7 -143
29 NS Team 0 MOULTON William 963 976 9 4 -13
30 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 RUDOLPH Darren 1326 976 2 1 350
31 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 GREENE Wayne 1043 976 6 3 67
32 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 KENT Ian 2198 976 1 0 1222
33 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 KENT Isaac 1102 976 5 2 126
34 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 PERIGO Richard 976 876 5 2 100
35 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1380 876 1 0 504
36 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 RUDOLPH Darren 1270 876 2 1 394
37 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 KENT Ian 2154 876 1 0 1278
38 NS League 14_Nov_2004 0 YUEN Brian 800 876 12 6 -76
39 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 PERIGO Richard 1001 939 6 3 62
40 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 DECOSTE Andy 1017 939 6 3 78
41 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1384 939 1 0 445
42 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 RUDOLPH Darren 1281 939 2 1 342
43 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 KENT Isaac 807 939 14 7 -132
44 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 LAW Derek 1645 939 1 0 706
45 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1451 947 1 0 504
46 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 PERIGO Richard 1068 947 5 2 121
47 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 DECOSTE Andy 975 947 7 3 28
48 NS League 0 PERIGO Richard 1085 942 5 2 143
49 NS League 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1450 942 1 0 508
50 NS League 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 1112 942 4 2 170
51 NS League 0 RUDOLPH Darren 1352 942 1 0 410
52 NS League 0 GREENOUGH David 1204 942 3 1 262
53 NS League 0 KENT Ian 2171 942 1 0 1229
54 NS League 0 KENT Isaac 871 942 12 6 -71
55 Cape Breton Highland Academy 0 LAW Derek 1590 903 1 0 687
56 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 FADER Alex 1078 930 5 2 148
57 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 DECOSTE Andy 963 930 7 3 33
58 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 LEMMON Ted 863 930 12 6 -67
59 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 HUBLEY Dale 834 930 12 6 -96
60 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 OULTON Philip 805 930 14 7 -125
61 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 EDE Sarah 729 930 22 11 -201
62 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 EAGLES David 680 930 22 11 -250
63 Gaetz Brook Marathon 0 MOULTON William 585 930 30 15 -345
64 NS Leagues _ 15_Feb_04 0 MARTELL Alan 1824 930 1 0 894
65 NS Leagues _ 15_Feb_04 0 PERIGO Richard 809 930 14 7 -121
66 NS L 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1417 1067 2 1 350
67 NS L 0 PERIGO Richard 1156 1067 6 3 89
68 NS L 0 SHAIKH Ashraf 1128 1067 6 3 61
69 NS L 0 KENT Isaac 1152 1067 6 3 85
70 NS L 0 YUEN Brian 843 1067 22 11 -224
71 NS L 0 KENT Ian 2181 1067 1 0 1114
72 NS L 0 RUDOLPH Darren 1385 1067 2 1 318
73 NS L 0 GREENOUGH David 1218 1067 4 2 151
74 NS Leagues _ 12_Jan_03 0 LEBRASSEUR Pierre 1031 890 5 0 141 T
75 NS Leagues _ 12_Jan_03 0 YUEN Brian 651 890 22 11 -239
76 NS Leagues _ 12_Jan_03 0 MARTELL Alan 1649 890 1 0 759
77 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 LAW Derek 1459 879 1 0 580
78 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 FADER Alex 818 879 12 6 -61
79 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 LEBRASSEUR Pierre 1061 879 4 0 182 T
80 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 MARTELL Alan 1686 879 1 0 807
81 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 YUEN Brian 671 879 22 11 -208
82 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1390 879 1 0 511
83 NS Leagues _ 9_Feb_03 0 KING Jim 1389 879 1 0 510
84 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 FADER Alex 890 889 8 4 1
85 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 LEBRASSEUR Pierre 1087 889 4 0 198 T
86 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 MARTELL Alan 1718 889 1 0 829
87 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 KING Jim 1396 889 1 0 507
88 NS Leagues _ 9_Mar_03 0 RUDOLPH Darren 966 889 6 3 77