Vu Ben : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Chen Jinkun 433 766 30 28 -333 Sig
2 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Tran Norman 685 864 24 22 -179 Sig
3 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Raymundo Irwin 685 812 21 19 -127 Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Hocbo Jay 642 724 18 16 -82 T Sig
5 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 BUCHBERGER Kieran 642 736 18 16 -94 Sig
6 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Bernales Raul 579 646 18 16 -67 T Sig
7 ** MB Super League 316 Mercado Leandro 202 291 18 16 -89 Sig
8 ** Red River Open 324 BUCHBERGER Kieran 359 440 18 16 -81 Sig
9 ** MB Closed 325 BUCHBERGER Kieran 404 433 15 13 -29 Sig
10 ** MB Super League 317 Liu Anna 279 312 15 13 -33 Sig
11 ** MB Closed Championships 317 Liu Anna 279 312 15 13 -33 Sig
12 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Chen Jinkun 494 633 14 12 -139 Sig
13 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Chen Jinkun 494 633 14 12 -139 Sig
14 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 BUCHBERGER Kieran 566 570 12 10 -4 Sig
15 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Asha 202 226 12 10 -24 Sig
16 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Riya 202 181 12 10 21 Sig
17 ** MB Super League 316 LIU Julian 202 192 12 10 10 Sig
18 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Riya 202 181 12 10 21 Sig
19 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Riya 202 181 12 10 21 Sig
20 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 Agrawal Sparsh 327 312 12 10 15 Sig
21 ** Red River Open 324 Chen Jinkun 359 336 12 10 23 T Sig
22 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Loganathan Nibusha 433 420 12 10 13 T Sig
23 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Bernales Raul 685 693 12 10 -8 Sig
24 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Bernales Raul 685 693 12 10 -8 Sig
25 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Hocbo Jay 685 671 12 10 14 Sig
26 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 Liu Anna 327 282 11 9 45 Sig
27 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Loganathan Nibusha 494 454 11 9 40 T Sig
28 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Agrawal Sparsh 526 462 9 7 64 Sig
29 ** Wpg Super League 329 Liu Anna 526 443 9 7 83 Sig
30 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Agrawal Sparsh 579 487 9 7 92 Sig
31 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Chen Jinkun 579 484 9 7 95 Sig
32 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Agrawal Sparsh 494 423 9 7 71 Sig
33 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Chen Jinkun 579 484 9 7 95 Sig
34 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Chen Jinkun 579 484 9 7 95 Sig
35 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Agrawal Sparsh 579 487 9 7 92 Sig
36 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Agrawal Sparsh 642 568 9 7 74 Sig
37 ** MB Super League 316 FENG Hongjun 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
38 ** MB Super League 316 FENG Hongjun 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
39 ** MB Super League 316 FENG Hongjun 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
40 ** MB Super League 316 FENG Hongjun 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
41 ** Manitoba Close 337 Agrawal Sparsh 642 568 9 7 74 Sig
42 ** MB Super League 316 Mercado Lorenzo 202 100 8 6 102 Sig
43 ** MB League 319 LIU Julian 327 199 8 6 128 Sig
44 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 LIU Julian 327 199 8 6 128 Sig
45 ** Red River Open 324 Liu Anna 359 256 8 6 103 Sig
46 ** Red River Open 324 Agrawal Sparsh 359 232 8 6 127 Sig
47 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 LIU Julian 526 414 8 6 112 Sig
48 ** Wpg Super League 329 Chen Jinkun 526 415 8 6 111 Sig
49 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 LIU Julian 566 459 8 6 107 Sig
50 ** Wpg Super League 329 LIU Julian 526 414 8 6 112 Sig
51 * SITCO tournament 330 ZHENG James 578 592 8 6 -14 Sig
52 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Liu Anna 494 377 8 6 117 Sig
53 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Liu Anna 433 319 8 6 114 Sig
54 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 LIU Julian 433 294 8 6 139 Sig
55 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Liu Anna 494 377 5 4 117 Sig
56 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Loganathan Nibusha 526 339 6 4 187 Sig
57 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 FENG Hongjun 566 396 6 4 170 Sig
58 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 FENG Hongjun 642 479 6 4 163 Sig
59 ** MB Closed 325 Liu Anna 404 234 6 4 170 Sig
60 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Liu Anna 404 234 6 4 170 Sig
61 ** MB Closed Championships 317 McNish Rylan 279 100 6 4 179 T Sig
62 ** MB Closed Championships 317 Reimer Neil 279 100 6 4 179 T Sig
63 ** MB Closed Championships 317 Birinda Gadi 279 100 6 4 179 T Sig
64 ** Winnipeg super League 325 FENG Hongjun 404 117 5 3 287 Sig
65 ** MB Closed 325 Li Jason 404 108 5 3 296 T Sig
66 ** MB Closed 325 LIU Julian 404 194 5 3 210 Sig
67 ** Red River Open 324 Loganathan Nibusha 359 100 5 3 259 T Sig
68 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Liu Anna 579 361 5 3 218 Sig
69 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Liu Anna 579 361 5 3 218 Sig
70 ** Wpg Super League 329 FENG Hongjun 526 324 5 3 202 Sig
71 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Hewlett Parker 494 277 5 3 217 T Sig
72 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Liu Anna 685 451 5 3 234 Sig
73 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Li Jason 642 347 5 3 295 Sig
74 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Li Jason 642 347 5 3 295 Sig
75 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Liu Anna 642 437 5 3 205 Sig
76 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Li Jason 685 446 5 3 239 Sig
77 * SITCO tournament 330 AISAICAN Carson 578 293 3 2 285 Sig
78 * SITCO tournament 330 ASHDOHONK Joseph 578 223 2 1 355 Sig
79 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Charriere Nicholas 494 142 3 1 352 Sig
80 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Huang Jeremy 642 277 3 1 365 Sig
81 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Huang Jeremy 433 111 3 1 322 Sig
82 ** MB Super League 315 Liu Anna 155 210 18 0 -55 T Sig
83 ** MB Super League 315 Liu Anna 155 210 18 0 -55 T Sig
84 ** MB Super League 315 FENG Hongjun 155 164 12 0 -9 T T Sig
85 ** MB Super League 315 Mercado Lorenzo 155 128 11 0 27 T T Sig
86 ** MB Super League 315 Mercado Leandro 155 129 11 0 26 T Sig
87 ** MB Super League 2901 315 Mercado Lorenzo 155 128 11 0 27 T T Sig
88 ** MB Super League 2901 315 Mercado Lorenzo 155 128 11 0 27 T T Sig
89 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Loganathan Nibusha 642 204 2 0 438 Sig
90 ** Manitoba Open 328 Mercado Jussel 555 100 2 0 455 T Sig























Vu Ben loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Teja Cyril 867 685 6 4 182 Sig
2 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Hocbo Jay 671 685 12 10 -14 Sig
3 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Sioson Marcos 1094 685 2 0 409 Sig
4 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Cantada Noel 1009 685 3 1 324 Sig
5 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 BUCHBERGER Kieran 750 685 9 7 65 Sig
6 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Soriano Glenn 882 642 5 3 240 Sig
7 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Nguyen Hung 984 642 3 1 342 Sig
8 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Bernales Raul 614 642 15 13 -28 Sig
9 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Averilla R.J. 1007 642 3 1 365 Sig
10 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Averilla R.J. 1007 642 3 1 365 Sig
11 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Sioson Juanito 747 642 8 6 105 Sig
12 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 BUCHBERGER Kieran 736 642 9 7 94 Sig
13 ** Manitoba Close 337 NGUYEN Phuong 1264 642 2 0 622 Sig
14 ** Manitoba Close 337 Tran Jeremy 1844 642 2 0 1202 Sig
15 ** Manitoba Close 337 CHONG Devin 1012 642 3 1 370 Sig
16 ** Manitoba Close 337 SOHAL Harkaran 842 642 6 4 200 Sig
17 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Elendu Richard 1230 579 2 0 651 T Sig
18 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Sioson Juanito 805 579 5 3 226 Sig
19 ** Winnipeg District League 336 Teja Cyril 1047 579 2 0 468 Sig
20 ** Red River Open 336 NGUYEN Phuong 1187 579 2 0 608 Sig
21 ** Red River Open 336 Chow Gordon 990 579 2 0 411 Sig
22 ** Red River Open 336 BUCHBERGER Kieran 661 579 9 7 82 Sig
23 **** 2017 Canadian Junior Championships - Singles 332 LIU Vincent 1613 592 3 0 1021 Sig
24 **** 2017 Canadian Junior Championships - Singles 332 XU David 1870 592 3 0 1278 Sig
25 **** 2017 Canadian Junior Championships - Singles 332 YE Michael 1180 592 3 0 588 Sig
26 **** 2017 Canadian Junior Championships - Singles 332 LU Joshua 648 592 15 11 56 Sig
27 **** 2017 Canadian Junior Championships - Teams 332 ALI Muhammad Hasan 1482 592 3 0 890 Sig
28 **** 2017 Canadian Junior Championships - Teams 332 Shang Tony 921 592 5 2 329 Sig
29 * SITCO tournament 330 FENG Brian 996 578 1 0 418 Sig
30 * SITCO tournament 330 LIU Ted 1531 578 1 0 953 Sig
31 * SITCO tournament 330 SHRESTHA Ishwar 1099 578 1 0 521 T Sig
32 * SITCO tournament 330 LU Joshua 605 578 7 6 27 Sig
33 * SITCO tournament 330 NORMAND Taylor 631 578 6 5 53 Sig
34 * SITCO tournament 330 YIP Allan 620 578 7 6 42 Sig
35 * SITCO tournament 330 PARK Sun Kyu 1115 578 1 0 537 Sig
36 * SITCO tournament 330 XU Mike 940 578 2 0 362 T Sig
37 * SITCO tournament 330 WAN Wei 819 578 3 2 241 Sig
38 * SITCO tournament 330 RIZVI Mustafa 947 578 2 1 369 Sig
39 * SITCO tournament 330 NORMAND Taylor 631 578 6 5 53 Sig
40 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Tran Naomi 1044 526 2 0 518 Sig
41 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 CHONG Devin 941 526 2 0 415 Sig
42 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 TRAN Vy 856 526 3 1 330 Sig
43 ** Manitoba Open 328 Tran Naomi 1103 555 2 0 548 Sig
44 ** Manitoba Open 328 DUBOIS Nigel 551 555 12 10 -4 Sig
45 ** Manitoba Open 328 FAN Lucy 575 555 12 10 20 Sig
46 ** Manitoba Open 328 Jimenez Thadeus 1307 555 2 0 752 Sig
47 ** Manitoba Open 328 ZHENG James 561 555 12 10 6 Sig
48 ** Manitoba Open 328 Cantada Noel 948 555 3 1 393 Sig
49 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 VILLAMAYOR Cesar 690 494 4 3 196 Sig
50 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Averilla R.J. 976 494 1 0 482 Sig
51 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Pelletier Agnes 658 494 4 0 164 T Sig
52 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Chiu Whisky 550 494 6 5 56 Sig
53 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Pelletier Agnes 658 494 4 0 164 T Sig
54 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Chiu Whisky 522 433 9 0 89 T Sig
55 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Pelletier Agnes 866 433 2 0 433 T Sig
56 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Tran Jeremy 1782 404 2 0 1378 Sig
57 ** Winnipeg super League 325 KITONG Jeff 1118 404 2 0 714 Sig
58 ** Winnipeg super League 325 TRAN Vy 789 404 3 1 385 Sig
59 ** Winnipeg super League 325 BUCHBERGER Kieran 433 404 11 9 29 Sig
60 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Tran Naomi 1002 404 2 0 598 Sig
61 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Sioson Juanito 625 404 5 3 221 Sig
62 ** Red River Open 324 NGUYEN Phuong 1071 359 2 0 712 Sig
63 ** Red River Open 324 KITONG Jeff 1059 359 2 0 700 Sig
64 ** Red River Open 324 Jimenez Thadeus 1072 359 2 0 713 T Sig
65 ** Red River Open 324 Raymundo Irwin 497 359 8 6 138 Sig
66 **** 2016 Canadian Junior Championships 319 WANG Steve Y. 1749 327 3 0 1422 Sig
67 **** 2016 Canadian Junior Championships 319 LI JAMES 903 327 3 0 576 Sig
68 ** MB League 319 Tran Jeremy 1847 327 2 0 1520 Sig
69 ** MB League 319 Caguioa Czar 909 327 2 0 582 Sig
70 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 BUCHBERGER Kieran 397 327 9 7 70 Sig
71 ** MB Super League 317 Deng Yunyang 1375 279 2 0 1096 Sig
72 ** MB Super League 317 Caguioa Czar 985 279 2 0 706 Sig
73 ** MB Super League 316 BUCHBERGER Kieran 461 202 5 3 259 Sig
74 ** MB Super League 316 Mercado Leandro 291 202 9 7 89 Sig
75 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Riya 181 202 12 10 -21 Sig
76 ** MB Super League 316 BUCHBERGER Kieran 461 202 5 3 259 Sig
77 ** MB Super League 316 Liu Anna 236 202 11 9 34 Sig
78 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Asha 226 202 12 10 24 Sig
79 ** MB Super League 316 TRAN Vy 606 202 2 0 404 Sig
80 ** MB Super League 316 BUCHBERGER Kieran 461 202 5 3 259 Sig
81 ** MB Super League 315 Fossay Matthew 243 155 9 0 88 T T Sig
82 ** MB Super League 315 BUCHBERGER Kieran 289 155 8 6 134 T Sig
83 ** MB Super League 315 Fossay Matthew 243 155 9 0 88 T T Sig
84 ** MB Super League 315 Fossay Matthew 243 155 9 0 88 T T Sig
85 ** MB Super League 315 BUCHBERGER Kieran 289 155 8 6 134 T Sig
86 ** MB Super League 2901 315 Mercado Leandro 129 155 15 13 -26 T Sig
87 ** MB Super League 2901 315 Donnelly Riya 176 155 12 10 21 T Sig
88 ** MB Super League 2901 315 LIU Julian 155 155 12 0 0 T T Sig
89 ** MB Super League 2901 315 Donnelly Asha 152 155 12 10 -3 T Sig