Moneas Daytona : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * Frontier High School 329 Nachbaur Evan 151 100 6 5 51 T Sig
2 * Frontier High School 329 Lamirande Shane 151 100 6 5 51 T Sig
3 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Abraham Jessie 227 104 5 0 123 T T
4 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Peters Nukota 227 100 5 0 127 T T
5 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Scott-Young Chicago 227 110 5 0 117 T T
6 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Green Trevor 227 100 5 0 127 T T
7 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Huzel Mathew 227 127 6 0 100 T Sig
8 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Wanke Cole 227 100 5 0 127 T T
9 * Frontier Games Region 3 304 Huzel Mathew 227 127 6 0 100 T Sig
10 * Frontier Games Divisionals 306 Anderson Brennan 227 100 5 0 127 T T
11 * Frontier Games Divisionals 306 Nepinak Scott 227 100 5 0 127 T T
12 * Frontier Games Divisionals 306 Folster Theorin 227 100 5 0 127 T T
13 * Frontier Games Divisionals 306 Grey Adam 227 182 7 0 45 T T
14 * MB Frontier Games 317 Maniel Kevin 119 158 10 0 -39 T T Sig
15 * MB Frontier Games 317 Walker Sam 119 100 8 0 19 T T Sig
16 * MB Frontier Games 317 McLeod Adam 119 100 8 0 19 T T Sig
17 * MB Frontier Games 317 Abraham Jessie 119 138 8 0 -19 T Sig























Moneas Daytona loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * Frontier High School 329 Hall Jackson 187 151 7 6 36 Sig
2 * Frontier High School 329 Muchikekwanape Henry 282 151 5 0 131 T Sig
3 * MB Frontier Games 317 Campbell Terrance 373 119 3 2 254 T Sig
4 * MB Frontier Games 317 Cambell Mason d29325 250 119 5 0 131 T T Sig