Castada Jonathan : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * CLUB LEAGUE 374 Cantada Noel 912 1062 16 13 -150 Sig
2 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Averilla R.J. 921 961 15 0 -40 T Sig
3 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Averilla R.J. 1009 1033 12 0 -24 T Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Gagro Takeo 927 903 12 10 24 Sig
5 * CLUB LEAGUE 374 Ward Rick 912 997 12 10 -85 Sig
6 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Vu Ben 921 730 6 0 191 T Sig
7 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 FENG Hongjun 921 621 5 0 300 T Sig
8 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 FENG Hongjun 921 621 5 0 300 T Sig
9 * CLUB LEAGUE 374 Sioson Juanito 912 801 5 4 111 Sig
10 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 LEE Kin Pong 921 576 3 0 345 T Sig
11 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 LEE Kin Pong 921 576 3 0 345 T Sig
12 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Liu Song 921 488 2 0 433 T Sig
13 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Liu Song 921 488 2 0 433 T Sig























Castada Jonathan loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 LIU Julian 910 927 12 10 -17 Sig
2 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Li Jason 987 927 9 7 60 Sig
3 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Averilla R.J. 937 927 12 10 10 Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Ward Rick 889 921 15 13 -32 T Sig
5 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 LIU Julian 809 921 21 19 -112 T Sig
6 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Huang Jeremy 1193 921 5 3 272 T Sig
7 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Li Jason 985 1009 12 10 -24 T Sig
8 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Cuadra Carlos 1257 1009 5 3 248 T Sig
9 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Huang Jeremy 1208 1009 6 4 199 T Sig