MACNEIL Isaac : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Cape Breton Highlands Marathon 352 FRASER Simon 256 285 15 13 -29 Sig
2 ** Cape Breton Highlands Marathon 352 MORRISON Nathan 256 269 12 10 -13 Sig
3 ** Cape Breton Highlands Marathon 352 ZHU Zhenyi 256 270 12 10 -14 T Sig
4 ** Cape Breton Highlands Marathon 352 MUNIAN Evander 256 266 12 10 -10 Sig
5 * Cape Breton TT Club League 351 FRASER Simon 240 294 12 10 -54 Sig
6 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 BURNS Megan 192 195 12 0 -3 T Sig
7 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 MORRISON Nathan 192 192 12 0 0 T T Sig
8 * Cape Breton Highlands League 340 JENKINS Dylan 192 285 12 0 -93 T Sig
9 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 JENKINS Dylan 256 310 12 10 -54 Sig
10 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 JENKINS Dylan 256 310 12 10 -54 Sig
11 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 ROSS Wyatt 192 148 11 0 44 T T Sig
12 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 HART Kaye 192 164 11 0 28 T Sig
13 ** Cape Breton Highlands Marathon 352 ROSS Wyatt 256 224 11 9 32 Sig
14 * Cape Breton Highlands League 340 FRASER Simon 192 240 10 0 -48 T Sig
15 * CBH TTC League 341 FRASER Simon 233 246 8 6 -13 Sig
16 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 MORRISON Nathan 256 269 8 6 -13 Sig
17 * CBH TTC League 341 ROSS Wyatt 233 198 7 6 35 Sig
18 * Cape Breton Highlands League 340 HART Kaye 192 164 7 0 28 T Sig
19 * Cape Breton Highlands League 340 HART Kaye 192 164 7 0 28 T Sig
20 * Cape Breton TT Club League 351 HART Kaye 240 210 7 6 30 Sig
21 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 HART Kaye 256 218 7 6 38 Sig
22 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 MORRISON Nathan 346 285 6 5 61 Sig
23 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 ROSS Wyatt 346 227 5 4 119 Sig
24 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 MORRISON Josh 346 217 5 4 129 Sig
25 * CBH TTC League 341 STONE Darius 233 100 5 4 133 Sig
26 * CBH TTC League 341 CHIASSON Allan 233 125 5 4 108 Sig
27 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 PETEK Joel 346 114 3 2 232 Sig
28 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 DEVEAU Liam 346 106 3 2 240 T Sig
29 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 CHIASSON Allan 346 127 3 2 219 Sig























MACNEIL Isaac loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 GALE Sydney 326 346 8 6 -20 Sig
2 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 CHIASSON Kali 463 346 5 4 117 Sig
3 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 MACKINNON Garrett 492 346 5 4 146 Sig
4 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 MURPHY Broderick 349 346 8 6 3 Sig
5 * Cape Breton Highlands League 353 MACKINNON Matthew 416 346 6 5 70 Sig
6 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 LEFORT Steeve 396 256 5 4 140 Sig
7 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 CHIASSON Kali 402 256 5 4 146 Sig
8 * Cape Breton Table Tennis Club League 352 MACKINNON Matthew 417 256 4 3 161 Sig
9 * Cape Breton TT Club League 351 MACKINNON Garrett 431 240 4 3 191 Sig
10 * CBH TTC League 341 MACKINNON Matthew 360 233 5 4 127 Sig
11 * CBH TTC League 341 GOOSENS Peter 701 233 1 0 468 Sig
12 * CBH TTC League 341 MORRISON Tim 257 233 8 6 24 Sig
13 * CBH TTC League 341 MACKINNON Garrett 423 233 4 3 190 Sig
14 * CBH TTC League 341 CHIASSON Kali 403 233 4 3 170 Sig
15 * CBH TTC League 341 POIRIER Caylum 459 233 3 2 226 Sig
16 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 JOTA Josh 138 192 18 16 -54 T Sig
17 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 ROSS Wyatt 148 192 15 0 -44 T T Sig
18 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 SIBLEY Kelsa 242 192 11 9 50 T Sig
19 ** Cape Breton Marathon 340 JOTA Josh 138 192 18 16 -54 T Sig
20 * Cape Breton Highlands League 340 ROSS Wyatt 148 192 10 0 -44 T T Sig