Gagro Takeo : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Averilla R.J. 903 937 15 13 -34 Sig
2 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Li Jason 903 987 18 16 -84 Sig
3 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 FENG Hongjun 903 596 3 1 307 Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Vu Ben 903 892 12 10 11 Sig
5 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Hamrlik Mark 880 348 2 0 532 T Sig
6 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Chong Ho Sum 880 256 2 0 624 Sig
7 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Dueck Benji 880 1029 21 19 -149 Sig
8 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Bernales Raul 880 717 6 4 163 Sig
9 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Ward Rick 880 962 18 16 -82 Sig
10 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Dueck Benji 880 1029 21 19 -149 Sig
11 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Qi Grace 880 1071 24 22 -191 Sig
12 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Qi Grace 880 1071 24 22 -191 Sig
13 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Dueck Benji 880 1029 21 19 -149 Sig
14 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Chow Gordon 880 1216 30 28 -336 Sig
15 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 BUCHBERGER Kieran 880 667 5 3 213 Sig
16 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 CHONG Devin 880 916 15 13 -36 Sig
17 ** MB Closed 361 Gagro Takeo 844 844 12 10 0 Sig
18 ** MB Closed 361 Bui Quang Huy 844 476 3 1 368 T Sig
19 ** MB Closed 361 Xu Terry 844 250 2 0 594 Sig
20 ** MB Closed 361 LIU Julian 844 809 11 9 35 Sig
21 ** MB Closed 361 Qi Grace 844 808 11 9 36 Sig
22 ** MB Closed 361 Vu Ben 844 730 8 6 114 Sig
23 ** MB Closed 361 Dueck Benji 844 1051 27 25 -207 Sig
24 ** MB Closed 361 Wang Jiecong 844 866 12 10 -22 T Sig
25 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Ingenfeld Andi 844 814 11 9 30 Sig
26 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Vu Ben 844 730 8 6 114 Sig
27 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Loganathan Nibusha 844 551 5 3 293 Sig
28 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Qi Grace 844 808 11 9 36 Sig
29 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Averilla R.J. 844 961 21 19 -117 Sig
30 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Qi Grace 844 808 11 9 36 Sig
31 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Ingenfeld Andi 656 806 24 22 -150 Sig
32 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Ward Rick 656 917 27 25 -261 Sig
33 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Stubbs Matthew 656 858 27 25 -202 T Sig
34 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Bui Quang Huy 656 126 2 0 530 T Sig
35 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Xu Terry 656 206 2 0 450 Sig
36 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Geake Joel 656 720 18 16 -64 Sig
37 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Vu Ben 656 650 12 10 6 Sig
38 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Bernales Raul 656 718 18 16 -62 Sig
39 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Qi Grace 656 668 12 10 -12 Sig
40 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 LIU Julian 656 828 24 22 -172 Sig
41 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Ingenfeld Andi 656 806 24 22 -150 Sig
42 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 Li Sophie 648 296 2 1 352 Sig
43 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 Lee Victoria 648 350 3 2 298 Sig
44 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 Lee Alexus 648 156 1 0 492 Sig
45 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 KHAN Basit 648 100 1 0 548 T Sig
46 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 WONG Jacob 648 169 1 0 479 Sig
47 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 KOU Ethan 648 228 1 0 420 Sig
48 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 ZOU Quan 648 439 3 2 209 Sig
49 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 MATTHEWS Luke 648 285 2 1 363 Sig
50 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 WONG Isaac 648 169 1 0 479 Sig
51 ** Winnipeg Distric League 356 Liu Song 640 378 5 3 262 Sig
52 ** Winnipeg Distric League 356 FENG Hongjun 640 676 15 13 -36 Sig
53 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 FENG Hongjun 533 576 15 13 -43 Sig
54 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 Qi Grace 533 732 24 22 -199 Sig
55 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 Loganathan Nibusha 533 538 12 10 -5 Sig
56 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 LIU Joyce 533 414 8 6 119 Sig
57 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 ABBAS Ali 533 579 15 13 -46 Sig
58 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 LEE Kin Pong 533 694 24 22 -161 Sig
59 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 Liu Song 533 330 5 3 203 Sig
60 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 LEE Kin Pong 533 694 24 22 -161 Sig
61 ** Tournament of Champions 2019 353 Geake Joel 533 740 27 25 -207 Sig
62 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Xu Terry 497 176 3 1 321 T Sig
63 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Lin Andrew 497 162 3 1 335 T Sig
64 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 Liu Song 497 232 5 3 265 Sig
65 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 LIU Joyce 497 454 11 9 43 Sig
66 ** Winnipeg District League 350 Qi Grace 460 697 27 25 -237 Sig
67 ** Winnipeg District League 350 Liu Song 460 215 5 3 245 Sig
68 ** Winnipeg District League 350 Liu Song 460 215 5 3 245 Sig
69 ** Winnipeg District League 350 Loganathan Nibusha 460 401 9 7 59 Sig
70 ** Winnipeg District League 350 Liu Song 460 215 5 3 245 Sig
71 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 LEE Kin Pong 456 715 27 25 -259 Sig
72 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 LIU Joyce 456 489 15 13 -33 Sig
73 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 Gunn Kirk 456 100 3 1 356 T Sig
74 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 Deng Wenny 456 100 3 1 356 Sig
75 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 LEE Kin Pong 456 715 27 25 -259 Sig
76 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Lin Andrew 456 189 5 3 267 Sig
77 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Vu Ben 456 768 30 28 -312 Sig
78 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Zhao Hengbo 456 672 27 25 -216 T Sig
79 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Liu Song 421 164 5 3 257 Sig
80 ** Winnipeg District League 349 ABBAS Ali 421 620 24 22 -199 Sig
81 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Quinicio Fhebie Kaye 421 428 12 10 -7 Sig
82 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Loganathan Nibusha 421 428 12 10 -7 Sig
83 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Liu Song 421 164 5 3 257 Sig
84 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Song Jun Yu 190 632 33 31 -442 T Sig
85 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Song Jun Yu 190 632 33 31 -442 T Sig
86 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Liu Song 190 137 9 7 53 Sig
87 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Liu Song 190 137 9 7 53 Sig
88 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Loganathan Nibusha 190 415 27 25 -225 Sig
89 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LIU Joyce 190 298 21 19 -108 Sig
90 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Bernales Raul 190 501 30 28 -311 Sig
91 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Quinicio Fhebie Kaye 190 380 24 22 -190 T Sig
92 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 ABBAS Ali 190 760 33 31 -570 Sig
93 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 FENG Hongjun 190 477 27 25 -287 Sig
94 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Yang Handan 174 100 9 0 74 T Sig
95 ** Manitoba Open 340 Lee Dohyoung 174 100 9 0 74 T T Sig
96 ** Manitoba Open 340 LIU Aryanna 174 248 18 0 -74 T Sig
97 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Yang Handan 139 111 11 9 28 Sig
98 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Retta Maezishi 139 100 11 9 39 T Sig
99 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Yang Handan 139 111 11 9 28 Sig
100 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Yang Handan 139 111 11 9 28 Sig
101 ** Winnipeg District League 342 LIU Joyce 139 274 21 19 -135 Sig
102 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Yang Handan 103 128 15 13 -25 Sig
103 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Agrawal Sparsh 103 487 40 37 -384 Sig























Gagro Takeo loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Li Jason 997 880 8 6 117 Sig
2 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Huang Jeremy 1279 880 3 1 399 Sig
3 ** Golden Boy Open 2020 363 Jimenez Thadeus 1385 880 2 0 505 Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Averilla R.J. 896 880 12 10 16 Sig
5 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Chow Gordon 1216 880 3 1 336 Sig
6 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Cuadra Carlos 1144 880 5 3 264 Sig
7 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Huang Jeremy 1279 880 3 1 399 Sig
8 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Huang Jeremy 1279 880 3 1 399 Sig
9 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Huang Jeremy 1279 880 3 1 399 Sig
10 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 LIU Julian 997 880 8 6 117 Sig
11 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Tagle Jr. Juan 1394 880 2 0 514 Sig
12 ** Winnipeg Super League 2020 363 Ward Rick 962 880 9 7 82 Sig
13 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 LIU Julian 910 903 12 10 7 Sig
14 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Castada Jonathan 927 903 12 10 24 Sig
15 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Li Jason 987 903 9 7 84 Sig
16 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 LIU Julian 910 903 12 10 7 Sig
17 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Dueck Benji 979 903 9 7 76 Sig
18 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Li Jason 987 903 9 7 84 Sig
19 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 LIU Julian 910 903 12 10 7 Sig
20 ** Winnipeg Distric League 362 Vu Ben 892 903 12 10 -11 Sig
21 ** MB Closed 361 Vu Ben 730 844 21 19 -114 Sig
22 ** MB Closed 361 LIU Julian 809 844 15 13 -35 Sig
23 ** MB Closed 361 Gagro Takeo 844 844 12 10 0 Sig
24 ** MB Closed 361 Bui Quang Huy 476 844 30 0 -368 T Sig
25 ** MB Closed 361 Bekele Biruk 2157 844 2 0 1313 Sig
26 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Vu Ben 730 844 21 19 -114 Sig
27 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Tagle Jr. Juan 1360 844 2 0 516 Sig
28 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Qi Grace 808 844 15 13 -36 Sig
29 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 LIU Julian 809 844 15 13 -35 Sig
30 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Li Jason 1107 844 5 3 263 Sig
31 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Huang Jeremy 1193 844 3 1 349 Sig
32 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Dueck Benji 1051 844 5 3 207 Sig
33 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Cuadra Carlos 1257 844 2 0 413 Sig
34 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Cuadra Carlos 1257 844 2 0 413 Sig
35 ** Winnipeg Super League 361 Cuadra Carlos 1257 844 2 0 413 Sig
36 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Jimenez Thadeus 1388 656 2 0 732 Sig
37 ** RED RIVER OPEN 360 Li Jason 985 656 3 1 329 Sig
38 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Tagle Jr. Juan 1322 656 2 0 666 T Sig
39 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Huang Jeremy 1208 656 2 0 552 Sig
40 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Li Jason 985 656 3 1 329 Sig
41 ** Winnipeg Distric League November 360 Cuadra Carlos 1257 656 2 0 601 Sig
42 ** Winnipeg Distric League 356 LIU Julian 830 640 6 4 190 Sig
43 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 YIP Allan 813 648 4 3 165 Sig
44 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 CHAN Matthew 845 648 4 3 197 Sig
45 * SITCO Team Tournament 354 ZOU Jesse 350 648 18 16 -298 Sig
46 ** Winnipeg & District Super League 354 Tran Jeremy 1895 648 2 0 1247 Sig
47 ** Winnipeg & District Super League 354 Dueck Benji 990 648 3 1 342 Sig
48 ** Winnipeg & District Super League 354 Huang Jeremy 1132 648 2 0 484 Sig
49 ** Winnipeg & District Super League 354 Li Jason 1084 648 2 0 436 Sig
50 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 Qi Grace 732 533 6 4 199 Sig
51 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 FENG Hongjun 576 533 11 9 43 Sig
52 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 LIU Julian 820 533 5 3 287 Sig
53 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 FENG Hongjun 576 533 11 9 43 Sig
54 ** Winnipeg Super League 353 FENG Hongjun 576 533 11 9 43 Sig
55 ** Tournament of Champions 2019 353 Li Jason 925 533 3 1 392 Sig
56 ** Tournament of Champions 2019 353 Vu Ben 720 533 6 4 187 Sig
57 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 Liu Song 270 456 24 22 -186 Sig
58 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 ABBAS Ali 547 456 9 7 91 Sig
59 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 LIU Joyce 489 456 11 9 33 Sig
60 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 Nguyen Minh Quan 454 456 12 10 -2 Sig
61 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 Cuadra Carlos 969 456 2 0 513 Sig
62 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 Tran Jeremy 1847 456 2 0 1391 Sig
63 ** Winnipeg Super League 352 CHONG Devin 933 456 2 0 477 Sig
64 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Tran Jeremy 1847 456 2 0 1391 Sig
65 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 LIU Julian 832 456 3 1 376 Sig
66 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Li Jason 869 456 2 0 413 Sig
67 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Chow Gordon 1279 456 2 0 823 Sig
68 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 KUSAL Jerry 1213 456 2 0 757 Sig
69 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Cuadra Carlos 969 456 2 0 513 Sig
70 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Ingenfeld Andi 659 456 5 3 203 Sig
71 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Hernandez Eric 825 456 3 1 369 Sig
72 ** Manitoba Open 2019 352 Liu Anna 528 456 9 7 72 Sig
73 ** Golden Boy Open 351 CHONG Devin 983 497 2 0 486 Sig
74 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Li Jason 858 497 3 1 361 Sig
75 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Vu Ben 770 497 5 3 273 Sig
76 ** Golden Boy Open 351 DINOSO Aldwin 1313 497 2 0 816 Sig
77 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Manalo Nhoel 1220 497 2 0 723 Sig
78 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Bernales Raul 427 497 18 16 -70 Sig
79 ** Golden Boy Open 351 Loganathan Nibusha 481 497 12 10 -16 Sig
80 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 Chow Gordon 1227 497 2 0 730 Sig
81 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 CHONG Devin 983 497 2 0 486 Sig
82 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 FENG Hongjun 655 497 6 4 158 Sig
83 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 Liu Song 232 497 27 25 -265 Sig
84 ** Winnipeg Super League 351 FENG Hongjun 655 497 6 4 158 Sig
85 ** Winnipeg District League 350 FENG Hongjun 622 460 6 4 162 Sig
86 ** Winnipeg District League 350 ABBAS Ali 569 460 8 6 109 Sig
87 ** Winnipeg District League 350 FENG Hongjun 622 460 6 4 162 Sig
88 ** Winnipeg District League 350 LIU Julian 931 460 2 0 471 Sig
89 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Tran Jeremy 1824 421 2 0 1403 Sig
90 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Deng Yunyang 1518 421 2 0 1097 Sig
91 ** Winnipeg District League 349 Vu Ben 688 421 5 3 267 Sig
92 ** Winnipeg District League 349 LEE Kin Pong 679 421 5 3 258 Sig
93 ** Winnipeg District League 349 FENG Hongjun 594 421 6 4 173 Sig
94 ** MB CLOSED 349 Huang Jeremy 895 421 2 0 474 Sig
95 ** MB CLOSED 349 CHONG Devin 1107 421 2 0 686 Sig
96 ** MB CLOSED 349 Vu Ben 688 421 5 3 267 Sig
97 ** MB CLOSED 349 Geake Joel 687 421 5 3 266 Sig
98 ** MB CLOSED 349 Caguioa Czar 1224 421 2 0 803 Sig
99 ** MB CLOSED 349 Palad Dilbert 922 421 2 0 501 Sig
100 ** MB CLOSED 349 Qi Grace 659 421 5 3 238 Sig
101 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Chow Gordon 1057 190 2 0 867 Sig
102 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Vu Ben 737 190 2 0 547 Sig
103 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 FENG Hongjun 477 190 5 3 287 Sig
104 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 KUSAL Jerry 1167 190 2 0 977 Sig
105 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Cruz Marlo 820 190 2 0 630 Sig
106 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Palad Dilbert 891 190 2 0 701 Sig
107 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Loganathan Nibusha 415 190 5 3 225 Sig
108 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LIU Joyce 298 190 8 6 108 Sig
109 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 FENG Hongjun 477 190 5 3 287 Sig
110 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LEE Kin Pong 655 190 2 0 465 Sig
111 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LEE Kin Pong 655 190 2 0 465 Sig
112 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Qi Grace 744 190 2 0 554 Sig
113 ** Winnipeg District League 342 FENG Hongjun 451 139 3 1 312 Sig
114 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Loganathan Nibusha 380 139 5 3 241 Sig
115 ** Winnipeg District League 342 LIU Joyce 274 139 8 6 135 Sig
116 ** Winnipeg District League 342 LIU Julian 594 139 2 0 455 Sig
117 ** Winnipeg District League 342 FENG Hongjun 451 139 3 1 312 Sig
118 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Chen Jinkun 554 139 2 0 415 Sig
119 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Loganathan Nibusha 380 139 5 3 241 Sig
120 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Tran Norman 747 139 2 0 608 Sig
121 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 LIU Joyce 230 103 8 6 127 Sig
122 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Liu Song 119 103 12 10 16 Sig
123 *** Tournament of Champions 341 LIU Julian 583 103 2 0 480 Sig
124 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Huang Jeremy 610 103 2 0 507 Sig
125 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Qi Grace 536 103 2 0 433 Sig
126 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Loganathan Nibusha 371 103 6 3 268 Sig
127 ** Winnipeg District League 340 LIU Joyce 185 174 12 10 11 T Sig
128 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Yang Handan 100 174 18 16 -74 T Sig
129 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Geake Joel 235 174 9 7 61 T Sig
130 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Yang Handan 100 174 18 16 -74 T Sig
131 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Loganathan Nibusha 226 174 9 7 52 T Sig
132 ** Winnipeg District League 340 LIU Joyce 185 174 12 10 11 T Sig
133 ** Manitoba Open 340 XU Nevin 266 174 9 7 92 T Sig
134 ** Manitoba Open 340 Geake Joel 235 174 9 7 61 T Sig
135 ** Manitoba Open 340 Yang Handan 100 174 18 16 -74 T Sig
136 ** Manitoba Open 340 FENG Hongjun 503 174 3 1 329 T Sig
137 ** Manitoba Open 340 Loganathan Nibusha 226 174 9 7 52 T Sig
138 ** Manitoba Open 340 Hernandez Eric 791 174 2 0 617 T Sig
139 ** Manitoba Open 340 Chen Jinkun 438 174 5 3 264 T Sig
140 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Loganathan Nibusha 174 100 9 7 74 T Sig
141 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Tran Norman 851 100 2 0 751 T Sig