Klassen Victor : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB Morden Club League 315 Ziegler Eric 164 116 7 0 48 T T Sig
2 * MB Morden Club League 315 Letkeman Julian 164 169 8 0 -5 T T Sig
3 * MB Morden Club League 315 Letkeman Julian 164 169 8 0 -5 T T Sig
4 * Morden 1 Star Club League 325 Klassen Sheldon 175 175 8 6 0 T Sig
5 * Morden 1 Star Club League 325 Klassen Sheldon 175 175 8 6 0 T Sig
6 * MB Morden Club League 315 Froese Seth 164 100 6 0 64 T T Sig
7 * MB Morden Club League 314 Froese Seth 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
8 * MB Morden Club League 314 Froese Seth 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
9 * MB Morden Club League 314 Froese Seth 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
10 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
11 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 0 0 T Sig
12 * Morden 1 Star Club League 325 Charriere David 175 280 14 12 -105 Sig
13 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 0 0 T Sig
14 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 0 0 T Sig























Klassen Victor loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * Morden 1 Star Club League 325 Klassen Sheldon 175 175 8 0 0 T Sig
2 * Morden 1 Star Club League 325 Charriere David 280 175 5 4 105 Sig
3 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
4 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
5 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
6 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
7 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
8 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
9 * MB Morden Club League 315 Charriere David 164 164 8 6 0 T Sig
10 * MB Morden Club League 315 Seidler Juri 766 164 1 0 602 T Sig
11 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
12 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
13 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
14 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
15 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
16 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig
17 * MB Morden Club League 314 Charriere David 100 100 8 0 0 T T Sig