Walker Morley : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB League 267 Yu Victor 487 208 3 2 279
2 * MB League 266 Yu Victor 373 215 4 3 158
3 * MB League 257 Wong Mickey 296 471 16 13 -175
4 * MB League 265 Wong Mickey 372 495 14 12 -123
5 * MB League 265 Tran Naomi 372 472 14 12 -100
6 * MB League 264 Tran Naomi 336 435 12 10 -99
7 * MB League 264 Tran Naomi 336 435 12 10 -99
8 * MB Leagues 254 Tran Naomi 350 370 8 0 -20 T Sig
9 * MB Leagues 255 Tran Naomi 235 319 12 0 -84 T Sig
10 * MB Leagues 256 Tran Jeremy 263 365 14 12 -102
11 * MB League 266 Tantakoun Tiffany 373 239 5 4 134
12 * MB League 267 Tantakoun Tiffany 487 231 3 2 256
13 * MB League 265 Tantakoun Tiffany 372 196 4 3 176
14 * MB League 257 Tanktakoun Tiffany 296 154 5 4 142 T Sig
15 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
16 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
17 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
18 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
19 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
20 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
21 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
22 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 6 0 T Sig
23 * Laura Secord League 266 Redekop Bill 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
24 * Laura Secord League 266 Redekop Bill 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
25 * Laura Secord League 266 Redekop Bill 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
26 * Laura Secord League 266 Redekop Bill 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
27 * MB Leagues 256 Liu Tina 263 440 16 13 -177
28 * MB League 257 Liu Tina 296 499 18 16 -203
29 * MB League 265 Lehmann Mark 372 100 3 2 272 T Sig
30 * MB League 264 Lehmann Mark 336 100 3 2 236 T Sig
31 * MB League 265 Lehmann Mark 372 100 3 2 272 T Sig
32 * MB League 267 Lehmann Mark 487 124 2 1 363 T Sig
33 * MB Leagues 254 Lee Alexander 350 100 3 0 250 T T
34 * MB League 257 Lee Alexander 296 100 4 3 196 T Sig
35 * MB Leagues 256 Jiang Peter 263 436 16 13 -173
36 * MB Leagues 255 Jiang Glen 235 100 5 0 135 T T
37 * MB League 257 Jiang Glen 296 144 4 3 152
38 * MB Leagues 254 Jia Beixi 350 241 5 0 109 T Sig
39 * MB Leagues 255 Jia Beixi 235 219 8 0 16 T Sig
40 * MB Leagues 254 Jia Beixi 350 241 5 0 109 T Sig
41 * John Pritchard League 267 Hilario Roman 487 100 2 1 387 T Sig
42 * MB League 266 He Nichol 373 149 3 2 224
43 * MB League 266 He Nichol 373 149 3 2 224
44 * Laura Secord League 266 Gidgarts Alex 373 129 3 2 244
45 * Laura Secord League 266 Gidgarts Alex 373 129 3 2 244
46 * MB League 266 Deng Yunyang 373 245 5 4 128
47 * MB League 266 Deng Yunyang 373 245 5 4 128
48 * MB League 267 Deng Yunyang 487 240 3 2 247
49 * MB Leagues 255 Chawla Sean 235 269 10 0 -34 T T
50 * MB Leagues 255 Chawla Sean 235 269 10 0 -34 T T
51 * MB League 264 Chang Cam 336 510 16 13 -174 T Sig
52 * MB League 264 Chang Cam 336 510 16 13 -174 T Sig
53 * MB League 267 Chang Cam 487 425 6 5 62
54 * MB League 265 Chang Anwyl 372 116 3 2 256
55 * MB League 267 Chang Anwyl 487 186 2 1 301
56 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
57 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
58 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
59 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
60 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
61 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig
62 * Laura Secord League 266 373 100 3 2 273 T Sig























Walker Morley loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * John Pritchard League 267 WIEWIORA Andrzej 1009 487 1 0 522
2 * MB League 267 Hua Keith 751 487 3 2 264
3 * MB League 267 Jiang Peter 660 487 4 3 173
4 * MB League 267 ABBAS Ali 768 487 3 2 281
5 * MB League 267 Tran Norman 542 487 6 5 55
6 * MB League 267 Tran Norman 542 487 6 5 55
7 * MB League 267 Tran Jeremy 534 487 7 6 47
8 * MB League 267 Tran Naomi 517 487 7 6 30
9 * MB League 267 Kim Kihyun 525 487 7 6 38
10 * Laura Secord League 266 Sumabon Tony 617 373 3 2 244
11 * MB League 266 Tran Naomi 521 373 5 4 148
12 * Laura Secord League 266 Gan Kangfei 872 373 1 0 499
13 * Laura Secord League 266 Gan Kangfei 872 373 1 0 499
14 * MB League 266 Liu Tina 560 373 4 3 187
15 * MB League 266 Tran Jeremy 557 373 4 3 184
16 * MB League 266 Tran Norman 593 373 3 2 220
17 * Laura Secord League 266 ABBAS Ali 779 373 1 0 406
18 * Laura Secord League 266 ABBAS Ali 779 373 1 0 406
19 * Laura Secord League 266 SIKORSKI Glenn 373 373 8 0 0 T Sig
20 * Laura Secord League 266 Cheung Yu 1199 373 1 0 826
21 * Laura Secord League 266 Cheung Yu 1199 373 1 0 826
22 * Laura Secord League 266 Cheung Yu 1199 373 1 0 826
23 * Laura Secord League 266 Cheung Yu 1199 373 1 0 826
24 * Laura Secord League 266 Cheung Yu 1199 373 1 0 826
25 * Laura Secord League 266 Cheung Yu 1199 373 1 0 826
26 * MB League 265 NGUYEN Phuong 582 372 3 2 210
27 * MB League 265 NGUYEN Phuong 582 372 3 2 210
28 * MB Club League 265 Cheung Yu 1213 372 1 0 841
29 * MB Club League 265 Cheung Yu 1213 372 1 0 841
30 * MB Club League 265 Cheung Yu 1213 372 1 0 841
31 * MB League 265 ABBAS Ali 811 372 1 0 439
32 * MB League 265 Tran Norman 593 372 3 2 221
33 * MB League 265 Jiang Peter 588 372 3 2 216
34 * MB League 265 Wong Mickey 495 372 5 4 123
35 * MB League 265 Liu Tina 473 372 5 4 101
36 * MB League 265 Liu Tina 473 372 5 4 101
37 * MB League 265 Chang Cam 453 372 6 5 81
38 * MB League 265 Chang Cam 453 372 6 5 81
39 * MB League 265 Tran Naomi 472 372 6 5 100
40 * MB League 265 Tran Naomi 472 372 6 5 100
41 * MB League 264 Kim Kihyun 140 336 16 13 -196
42 * MB League 264 Wong Mickey 524 336 4 3 188
43 * MB League 264 Liu Tina 525 336 4 3 189
44 * MB League 264 Jiang Peter 446 336 5 4 110
45 * MB League 257 Jiang Peter 447 296 4 3 151
46 * MB League 257 Makinano Gerardo 861 296 1 0 565
47 * MB League 257 Tran Norman 616 296 2 1 320
48 * MB League 257 Tran Norman 616 296 2 1 320
49 * MB League 257 Liu Jacie 791 296 1 0 495
50 * MB League 257 NGUYEN Phuong 532 296 3 2 236
51 * MB Leagues 256 Liu Tina 440 263 4 3 177
52 * MB Leagues 256 Wong Mickey 455 263 4 3 192
53 * MB Leagues 256 Mancer Evan 421 263 4 0 158 T Sig
54 * MB Leagues 256 TIAN Yilin 779 263 1 0 516
55 * MB Leagues 256 NGUYEN Phuong 437 263 4 3 174
56 * MB Leagues 256 KOKAN Don 1549 263 1 0 1286
57 * MB Leagues 256 Tran Norman 615 263 2 1 352
58 * MB Leagues 256 Jiang Peter 436 263 4 3 173
59 * MB Leagues 255 Jiang Peter 383 235 5 4 148 T Sig
60 * MB Leagues 255 ABBAS Ali 907 235 1 0 672 T Sig
61 * MB Leagues 255 TIAN Yilin 614 235 2 1 379 T Sig
62 * MB Leagues 255 Jia Beixi 219 235 8 6 -16 T Sig
63 * MB Leagues 255 Mancer Evan 421 235 4 0 186 T T
64 * MB Leagues 255 Tan Jerome 653 235 1 0 418 T Sig
65 * MB Leagues 255 Liu Tina 388 235 4 3 153 T Sig
66 * MB Leagues 255 Liu Tina 388 235 4 3 153 T Sig
67 * MB Leagues 254 Tran Jeremy 331 350 8 6 -19 T Sig
68 * MB Leagues 254 Tran Naomi 370 350 8 6 20 T Sig
69 * MB Leagues 254 Jiang Peter 363 350 8 6 13 T Sig