Chiu Whisky : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Boo Maynard 760 100 2 0 660 T T Sig
2 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Ye Tony 522 458 9 0 64 T T Sig
3 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Boo Maynard 550 496 6 5 54 T Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Pelletier Agnes 550 658 14 12 -108 T Sig
5 * MB Club League 336 Cuadra Carlos 679 766 12 10 -87 T Sig
6 * MB Club League 336 Ward Rick 679 909 18 16 -230 Sig
7 * Winnipeg Club League 337 Alibegov Teimour 711 750 10 8 -39 Sig
8 * Winnipeg Club League 337 Alibegov Teimour 711 750 10 8 -39 Sig
9 * Winnipeg Club League 337 Ibbitt Chris 711 305 1 0 406 Sig
10 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Vu Ben 550 494 6 5 56 Sig
11 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Liu Anna 550 377 4 3 173 Sig
12 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Chen Jinkun 550 633 12 10 -83 Sig
13 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 FENG Hongjun 550 182 2 1 368 Sig
14 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Li Jason 550 171 2 1 379 Sig
15 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Huang Jeremy 550 151 2 1 399 Sig
16 ** Wpg Super League 329 TRAN Vy 598 856 27 25 -258 Sig
17 ** Wpg Super League 329 Pelletier Agnes 598 664 18 16 -66 Sig
18 ** Wpg Super League 329 LEE Kin Pong 598 697 18 16 -99 Sig
19 ** Wpg Super League 329 Pelletier Agnes 598 664 18 16 -66 Sig
20 ** Wpg Super League 329 LIU Julian 598 414 6 4 184 Sig
21 ** Wpg Super League 329 FENG Hongjun 598 324 5 3 274 Sig
22 ** Wpg Super League 329 Raymundo Irwin 598 692 18 16 -94 Sig
23 ** Wpg Super League 329 LEE Kin Pong 598 697 18 16 -99 Sig
24 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 LEE Kin Pong 703 634 9 7 69 Sig
25 * MB Club League 336 Ibbitt Chris 679 305 2 1 374 Sig
26 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Huang Jeremy 522 111 2 0 411 T Sig
27 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 FENG Hongjun 522 183 3 0 339 T Sig
28 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Li Jason 522 187 3 0 335 T Sig
29 ** Winnipeg super League 325 CHONG Devin 760 877 21 0 -117 T Sig
30 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Vu Ben 522 433 9 0 89 T Sig
31 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Huang Jeremy 522 111 2 0 411 T Sig























Chiu Whisky loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB Club League 336 Cuadra Carlos 766 679 6 0 87 T Sig
2 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Tran Norman 799 703 9 7 96 Sig
3 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Mendoza Alex 1500 703 2 0 797 Sig
4 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Tran Norman 799 703 9 7 96 Sig
5 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Sioson Juanito 741 703 11 9 38 Sig
6 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Raymundo Irwin 1308 703 2 0 605 Sig
7 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Caguioa Czar 1078 703 3 1 375 Sig
8 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Sioson Juanito 741 703 11 9 38 Sig
9 ** Wpg Super League 329 Tran Naomi 1044 598 2 0 446 Sig
10 ** Wpg Super League 329 Sioson Juanito 658 598 9 7 60 Sig
11 ** Wpg Super League 329 Jimenez Thadeus 1335 598 2 0 737 Sig
12 ** Wpg Super League 329 BUCHBERGER Kieran 540 598 18 16 -58 Sig
13 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Loganathan Nibusha 420 522 21 0 -102 T T Sig
14 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Averilla R.J. 874 760 8 6 114 T Sig
15 ** Winnipeg super League 325 VILLAMAYOR Cesar 642 760 21 19 -118 T Sig
16 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Tran Norman 854 760 9 7 94 T Sig
17 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Averilla R.J. 874 760 8 6 114 T Sig
18 ** Winnipeg super League 325 TRAN Vy 789 760 11 9 29 T Sig
19 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Tran Norman 854 760 9 7 94 T Sig