HAMELIN Serge : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 STIGA Circuit #1 203 MASSON-RATEL Laurent 328 163 4 2 165 T T
2 STIGA Circuit #1 203 LEMAY Antonin 328 100 0 0 T T
3 STIGA Circuit #1 203 LORTIE William 328 100 3 1 228 T T
4 STIGA Circuit #1 203 REHEL-STONE Daniel 328 100 3 1 228 T T
5 STIGA Circuit #1 203 CARDINAL Philippe 328 100 0 0 T T
6 STIGA Circuit #1 203 GENDRON Marc-Olivier 328 264 6 3 64 T T
7 STIGA Circuit #1 203 HEBERT Rickson 328 100 3 1 228 T T
8 STIGA Circuit #1 203 FRANCOEUR Roch-André 328 144 4 2 184 T T
9 STIGA Circuit #2 205 LORTIE Vincent 310 189 5 2 121 T T
10 STIGA Circuit #5 209 COUSINEAU Nicolas 372 100 0 1 272 T Sig
11 STIGA Circuit #5 209 DESLONGCHAMPS Jean-Sébastien 372 461 0 6 -89 T Sig
12 STIGA Big Bang 210 LACROIX Jean-David 403 436 0 5 -33 T Sig
13 STIGA Circuit #1 203 QUEZEL Thomas 328 164 4 2 164 T T
14 STIGA Circuit #5 209 BEN David 372 248 0 2 124 T Sig
15 STIGA Circuit #4 218 COUSINEAU Nicolas 545 336 0 1 209 T Sig
16 NCRTT League 219 LECAVALIER Anne 550 281 3 1 269
17 NCRTT League 219 DUFOUR Patrick 550 195 2 1 355
18 STIGA Circuit #5 209 MASSON-RATEL Laurent 372 227 5 2 145
19 STIGA Circuit #5 209 POULIN Marc-Antoine 372 250 5 2 122
20 STIGA Circuit #1 203 REGIS-LUPIN Nicholas 328 100 3 0 228 T Sig
21 STIGA Big Bang 210 MEDJUGORAC Marko 403 353 6 3 50
22 STIGA Big Bang 210 MEDJUGORAC Marko 403 353 6 3 50
23 STIGA Big Bang 210 ROY Anne-Marie 403 660 22 11 -257
24 STIGA Big Bang 210 SANTA MARIA Jonathan 403 601 17 8 -198
25 STIGA Big Bang 210 TRAM Kevin 403 244 4 2 159
26 STIGA Circuit #1 215 LORTIE Vincent 539 493 7 3 46
27 STIGA Circuit #1 215 PINTEA James 539 374 4 2 165
28 STIGA Circuit #2 216 LANGLOIS Yannick 539 550 9 4 -11
29 STIGA Circuit #2 216 DUBOIS Philippe 539 383 4 2 156
30 STIGA Circuit #2 216 KLEIN Gary A. 539 333 3 1 206
31 STIGA Circuit #4 218 PARENT Marie 545 521 8 4 24
32 STIGA Circuit #4 218 SMITH Bernard 545 385 4 2 160
33 STIGA Big Bang 210 CADOTTE Hubert 403 465 12 6 -62
34 STIGA Big Bang 210 CHENIER Robert 403 792 30 15 -389
35 STIGA Big Bang 210 DUFRESNE Jordane 403 756 30 15 -353
36 STIGA Big Bang 210 FURTUNA Constantin 403 628 22 11 -225
37 STIGA Big Bang 210 HIVERT Guillaume 403 362 7 3 41
38 STIGA Big Bang 210 HOLMES Wesley 403 421 9 4 -18
39 STIGA Circuit #3 206 COTE-BERUBE Tania 307 432 14 7 -125
40 STIGA Circuit #3 206 COTE-BERUBE Tania 307 432 14 7 -125
41 STIGA Circuit #3 206 BLAIS Dominic 307 418 14 7 -111
42 STIGA Circuit #3 206 CHARTRAND Camille 307 364 12 6 -57
43 STIGA Circuit #4 207 BLAIS Dominic 356 407 12 6 -51
44 STIGA Circuit #4 207 LORTIE Vincent 356 340 8 4 16
45 STIGA Circuit #5 209 HOLMES Wesley 372 481 14 7 -109
46 STIGA Circuit #5 209 RAMIREZ Santiago 372 410 10 5 -38
47 STIGA Circuit #5 209 PETTI Jason 372 267 5 2 105
48 STIGA Circuit #5 209 PERRON Marc-André 372 225 5 2 147
49 STIGA Circuit #2 205 ABRAM Hugues 310 237 6 0 73 T Sig
50 STIGA Circuit #1 203 FERLAND Samuel 328 202 5 0 126 T Sig























HAMELIN Serge loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 NCRTT League 219 LIU Ryan 359 550 17 8 -191
2 NCRTT League 219 LIU Junmeng 590 550 7 3 40
3 STIGA Circuit #4 218 DUFRESNE Jordane 1098 545 1 0 553
4 STIGA Circuit #4 218 BERGERON-LARUE Maxime 923 545 2 1 378
5 STIGA Circuit #4 218 THIBODEAU Yannick 760 545 3 1 215
6 STIGA Circuit #4 218 HENEAULT-BRUNET Laurent 653 545 5 2 108
7 STIGA Circuit #4 218 PROULX Stéphanie 750 545 3 1 205
8 STIGA Circuit #4 218 XU Zehua 650 545 5 2 105
9 STIGA Circuit #2 216 FLEURY Jean-François 1174 539 1 0 635
10 STIGA Circuit #2 216 BERGERON-LARUE Maxime 908 539 2 0 369 T Sig
11 STIGA Circuit #2 216 BONIN William 848 539 2 1 309
12 STIGA Circuit #2 216 HAMELIN Steve 642 539 5 2 103
13 STIGA Circuit #2 216 RAMIREZ Santiago 803 539 3 1 264
14 STIGA Circuit #2 216 FORTIN Etienne 470 539 12 6 -69
15 STIGA Circuit #1 215 POTVIN Gabriel 962 539 1 0 423
16 STIGA Circuit #1 215 COULOMBE Mario 1144 539 1 0 605
17 STIGA Circuit #1 215 DECARY Jeff 777 539 3 1 238
18 STIGA Circuit #1 215 ZHAO Zi Yue Lolo 701 539 4 2 162
19 STIGA Circuit #1 215 DECARY Jeff 777 539 3 1 238
20 STIGA Circuit #1 215 MEDJUGORAC Marko 390 539 14 7 -149
21 STIGA Big Bang 210 ABRAM Hugues 443 403 7 3 40
22 STIGA Big Bang 210 ASSI Nazih 766 403 2 1 363
23 STIGA Big Bang 210 BEDARD Pierre-Alexandre 308 403 12 6 -95
24 STIGA Big Bang 210 CHOUTEAU David 971 403 1 0 568
25 STIGA Big Bang 210 DECARY Jeff 468 403 6 3 65
26 STIGA Big Bang 210 DUMOULIN Félix 250 403 17 8 -153
27 STIGA Big Bang 210 GAGNE Marc-André 826 403 1 0 423
28 STIGA Big Bang 210 LAFOND Gabriel 392 403 9 4 -11
29 STIGA Big Bang 210 ORR ALBERT Skwylton 858 403 1 0 455
30 STIGA Big Bang 210 RAMIREZ Santiago 427 403 8 4 24
31 STIGA Big Bang 210 TAM Simon 988 403 1 0 585
32 STIGA Circuit #5 209 ABRAM Hugues 330 372 10 5 -42
33 STIGA Circuit #5 209 BERTHIAUME Dany 284 372 12 6 -88
34 STIGA Circuit #5 209 HIVERT Guillaume 298 372 12 0 -74 T Sig
35 STIGA Circuit #5 209 POIZOT Loïs 566 372 4 2 194
36 STIGA Circuit #4 207 HAMELIN Steve 483 356 5 2 127
37 STIGA Circuit #4 207 FUGERE Denis 483 356 5 2 127
38 STIGA Circuit #3 206 CADOTTE Hubert 360 307 6 3 53
39 STIGA Circuit #3 206 GARCEAU Roxanne 681 307 2 1 374
40 STIGA Circuit #3 206 BEAUDRY Marc-Olivier 607 307 2 1 300
41 STIGA Circuit #2 205 DUFRESNE Jordane 616 310 0 1 306 T Sig
42 STIGA Circuit #2 205 MARTEL Francis - CDQ 383 310 0 3 73 T Sig
43 STIGA Circuit #2 205 MONTOYA-GARRO Mariana 742 310 0 0 432 T Sig
44 STIGA Circuit #2 205 PROULX Nicolas 499 310 0 2 189 T Sig
45 STIGA Circuit #2 205 QUEZEL Lambert 200 310 14 7 -110 T T
46 STIGA Circuit #2 205 SANTA MARIA Jonathan 586 310 0 1 276 T Sig
47 STIGA Circuit #1 203 QUEZEL Lambert 183 328 14 7 -145 T T
48 STIGA Circuit #1 203 LAVIGNE Sébastien 454 328 0 2 126 T Sig