Hiebert John : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB Club Leagues 268 182 124 6 0 58 T Sig
2 * MB Club Leagues 268 182 124 6 0 58 T Sig
3 * MB Club Leagues 268 182 124 6 0 58 T Sig
4 * MB Club Leagues 276 121 110 8 6 11
5 * MB Club League 278 Kouzinets Evgeni 127 100 7 6 27 T Sig
6 * MB Club League 271 115 100 8 6 15 Sig
7 * MB Club League 271 Kumka Terry 115 100 8 6 15 T Sig
8 * Laura Secord League 270 114 103 8 0 11 T Sig
9 * Laura Secord League 270 114 103 8 0 11 T Sig























Hiebert John loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB Club League 278 Cheung Yu 1431 127 1 0 1304
2 * MB Club League 278 Toews Larry 366 127 3 2 239
3 * MB Club League 278 Walker Morley 430 127 2 1 303
4 * MB Club League 278 Toews Larry 366 127 3 2 239
5 * MB Club League 278 Walker Morley 430 127 2 1 303
6 * MB Club League 278 Cheung Yu 1431 127 1 0 1304
7 * MB Club League 278 Gan Kangfei 791 127 1 0 664
8 * MB Club League 278 Walker Morley 430 127 2 1 303
9 * MB Club League 278 Walker Morley 430 127 2 1 303
10 * MB Club League 278 Redekop Bill 295 127 4 3 168
11 * MB Club Leagues 276 Walker Morley 471 121 2 1 350
12 * MB Club Leagues 276 Walker Morley 471 121 2 1 350
13 * MB Club League 271 Walker Morley 463 115 2 1 348 Sig
14 * MB Club League 271 Redekop Bill 297 115 4 3 182 Sig
15 * MB Club League 271 Cheung Yu 1361 115 1 0 1246 Sig
16 * MB Club League 271 Cheung Yu 1361 115 1 0 1246 Sig
17 * MB Club League 271 Gan Kangfei 810 115 1 0 695 Sig
18 * MB Club League 271 100 115 8 6 -15 Sig
19 * Laura Secord League 270 Makinano Gerardo 792 114 1 0 678 T Sig
20 * Laura Secord League 270 103 114 8 6 -11 T Sig
21 * Laura Secord League 270 Redekop Bill 272 114 4 3 158 T Sig
22 * Laura Secord League 270 Nguyen Hung 623 114 1 0 509 T Sig
23 * Laura Secord League 270 Walker Morley 463 114 2 1 349 T Sig
24 * Laura Secord League 270 Walker Morley 463 114 2 1 349 T Sig
25 * Laura Secord League 270 Redekop Bill 272 114 4 3 158 T Sig
26 * Laura Secord League 270 Walker Morley 463 114 2 1 349 T Sig
27 * MB Club Leagues 268 Walker Morley 473 182 3 2 291 T Sig
28 * MB Club Leagues 268 Cheung Yu 1236 182 1 0 1054 T Sig
29 * MB Club Leagues 268 Walker Morley 473 182 3 2 291 T Sig
30 * MB Club Leagues 268 Redekop Bill 248 182 6 0 66 T T
31 * MB Club Leagues 268 Gan Kangfei 796 182 1 0 614 T Sig
32 * MB Club Leagues 268 Walker Morley 473 182 3 2 291 T Sig
33 * MB Club Leagues 268 Makinano Gerardo 933 182 1 0 751 T Sig
34 * MB Club Leagues 268 Redekop Bill 248 182 6 0 66 T T