TRENAMAN Stephen : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 NSSAF Schools Prov'l Chmps 211 COFFIL Nathan 1053 456 0 0 597 T Sig
2 NSSAF Schools Prov'l Chmps 211 GOOSENS Fabrice 1053 530 1 0 523
3 NSSAF Schools Prov'l Chmps 211 KEIZER Darren 1053 792 0 1 261 T Sig
4 NSSAF Schools Prov'l Chmps 211 KOFAHL Mike 1053 222 0 0 831 T Sig
5 NSSAF Regionals 211 BOARDWAY Trevor 1053 100 0 0 953 T Sig
6 NSSAF Regionals 211 DELOREY Brent 1053 100 0 0 953 T Sig
7 NSSAF Regionals 211 FOUGERE Luke 1053 386 0 0 667 T Sig
8 NSSAF Regionals 211 GILLIS Mark 1053 383 1 0 670
9 NSSAF Regionals 211 LAUREIJS Steven 1053 100 0 0 953 T Sig
10 NSSAF Regionals 211 MACGRATH Josh 1053 468 1 0 585
11 NSAAF Regionals 222 FOUGERE Daniel 1081 100 0 0 981 T Sig
12 NSAAF Regionals 222 GILLIS Mark 1081 398 1 0 683
13 NSAAF Regionals 222 MACGRATH Josh 1081 592 1 0 489
14 NS Team 0 KEAVENEY Peter 560 721 17 8 -161
15 NS Team 0 YUE Zhihao 560 410 4 2 150 T
16 NS Team 0 SHARMA Dhruv 560 553 8 4 7
17 NS Team 0 XU Gansheng 560 416 5 2 144
18 NS Team 0 DUKESHIRE Steven 560 913 30 15 -353
19 NS Leagues 191 MOULTON Bruce 646 656 9 4 -10
20 NS Leagues 191 GLOADE Darrin 646 100 0 0 546 T Sig
21 NS Leagues 191 WILLIAMS Bradley 646 285 2 1 361
22 NS Leagues 191 ASHLEY Tyler 646 226 1 0 420
23 NS Leagues 191 FARNELL Benji 646 382 0 1 264 T Sig
24 NS Leagues 191 FISHER Joe 646 1368 50 25 -722
25 NS Leagues 191 LOGAN Craig 646 100 0 0 546 T Sig
26 NS Leagues 191 SEYMOUR Rudy 646 100 0 0 546 T Sig
27 NS Leagues 191 WELLWOOD Robert 646 100 0 0 546 T Sig
28 NS Leagues 191 ERSKINE Morgan 646 118 1 0 528
29 NS Leagues 191 ASHLEY Troy 646 353 0 1 293 T Sig
30 NS Leagues 193 FARNELL Benji 731 384 2 1 347
31 NS Leagues 193 BARKHOUSE Thomas 731 100 0 0 631 T Sig
32 NS Leagues 193 FISHER Joe 731 1322 50 25 -591
33 NS Leagues 194 SEYMOUR Rudy 783 100 0 0 683 T Sig
34 NS Leagues 194 HINES Shane 783 517 3 1 266
35 NS Leagues 195 LEMMON Ted 785 1112 30 15 -327
36 NS Leagues 195 LEMMON Colleen 785 407 2 1 378
37 NS Leagues 195 NORMINGTON Trevor 785 121 1 0 664
38 NS Leagues 195 NORMINGTON Trevor 785 121 1 0 664
39 NS Leagues 195 MCCULLOCH Deven 785 126 0 0 659 T Sig
40 NS Leagues 195 LEMMON Ted 785 1112 30 15 -327
41 NS Leagues 196 NORMINGTON Trevor 848 222 1 0 626
42 NS Leagues 205 ERSKINE Morgan 958 229 1 0 729
43 NS Leagues 205 ERSKINE Cody 958 242 1 0 716
44 NS Leagues 205 WILLIAMS Bradley 958 432 1 0 526
45 NS Leagues 205 GLOADE Ryan 958 366 1 0 592
46 NS Leagues 205 GLOADE Darrin 958 366 1 0 592
47 NS Leagues 205 ERSKINE Morgan 958 229 1 0 729
48 NS Leagues 203 FISHER Joe 850 1334 40 20 -484
49 NS Leagues 203 ERSKINE Morgan 850 209 1 0 641
50 NS Leagues 203 ERSKINE Cody 850 209 1 0 641
51 NS Leagues 203 HINES Shane 850 743 5 2 107
52 NS Leagues 203 MORRISON Eric 850 200 1 0 650
53 NS Leagues 203 BARKHOUSE Thomas 850 161 1 0 689
54 NS Leagues 203 HINES Shane 850 743 5 2 107
55 NS Leagues 203 ERSKINE Morgan 850 209 1 0 641
56 NS Leagues 203 DAVIS Matthew 850 100 1 0 750 T Sig
57 NS Leagues 203 HINES Shane 850 743 5 2 107
58 NS Leagues 203 HINES Steven 850 1380 50 25 -530
59 NS Leagues 203 LEMMON Ted 850 1125 22 11 -275
60 NS Leagues 203 MORRISON Eric 850 200 1 0 650
61 NS Leagues 203 DAVIS Matthew 850 100 1 0 750 T Sig
62 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 HINES Adam 404 554 17 8 -150
63 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 MCMULLIN Chris 404 100 2 1 304
64 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 MCLEOD Randy 404 100 2 1 304
65 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 HINES Adam 560 624 12 6 -64
66 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 MCMULLIN Chris 560 131 1 0 429
67 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 ASHLEY Tyler 560 225 2 1 335
68 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 177 MCMULLIN Chris 378 116 3 0 262
69 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 COLES Kyle 378 100 3 0 278 T
70 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 ASHLEY Tyler 378 100 3 0 278 T
71 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 BRIGHTMAN Brandon 378 216 4 0 162 T
72 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 LEMMON Colleen 378 441 12 0 -63 T
73 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 MCMULLIN Chris 378 116 3 0 262 T T
74 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 MCMULLIN Chris 562 100 1 0 462
75 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 MCKEIGAN Dennis 562 100 1 0 462
76 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 COLES Kyle 562 310 3 1 252
77 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 HINES Shane 562 193 2 1 369
78 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 BRIGHTMAN Brandon 562 345 3 1 217
79 NS League 210 ERSKINE Morgan 1019 281 1 0 738
80 NS League 210 ERSKINE Wayne 1019 1442 40 20 -423
81 NS League 210 GLOADE Ryan 1019 375 1 0 644
82 NS League 210 MORRISON Eric 1019 268 1 0 751
83 NS League 210 SMITH Nathan 1019 220 1 0 799
84 NS League 210 WILLIAMS Bradley 1019 437 1 0 582
85 NS League 215 HINES Shane 1056 1299 22 11 -243
86 NS League 215 WILLIAMS Bradley 1056 441 1 0 615
87 NS League 215 PERIGO Jessica 1056 100 0 0 956 T Sig
88 NS League 216 GLOADE Ryan 1078 400 1 0 678
89 NS League 216 WARREN Brad 1078 412 1 0 666
90 NS League 216 DAUPHINEE Carson 1078 100 1 0 978 T Sig
91 NS League 216 WARREN Brad 1078 412 1 0 666
92 NS League 0 MOULTON Bruce 417 603 17 8 -186
93 NS League 0 LEIGHTON Doug 417 343 6 3 74
94 NS League 0 ASHLEY Tyler 417 155 3 1 262
95 NS League 179 COLES Kyle 417 254 4 2 163
96 NS League 0 NORMINGTON Trevor 417 100 2 1 317
97 NS League 0 MCLEOD Randy 417 103 2 1 314
98 NS League 0 COLES Kyle 417 254 4 2 163
99 NS League 197 DAVIS Matthew 848 112 0 0 736 T Sig
100 NS League 197 NORMINGTON Trevor 848 230 1 0 618
101 NS League 197 GLOADE Darrin 848 218 1 0 630
102 NS League 197 ERSKINE Cody 848 197 1 0 651
103 NS League 197 MOULTON Bruce 848 724 5 2 124
104 NS League 197 MOULTON William 848 1205 30 15 -357
105 NS League 192 NORMINGTON Trevor 708 100 0 0 608 T Sig
106 NS League 192 LEMMON Colleen 708 412 3 1 296
107 NS League 192 ERSKINE Cody 708 196 0 0 512 T Sig
108 NS League 192 MOULTON Bruce 708 660 7 3 48
109 NS League 192 HINES Shane 708 395 2 1 313
110 NS League 192 SEYMOUR Rudy 708 100 0 0 608 T Sig
111 NS League 192 ERSKINE Cody 708 196 0 0 512 T Sig
112 NS League 192 WOODWORTH Darren 708 609 6 3 99
113 NS League 192 MOULTON Bruce 708 660 7 3 48
114 NS L 0 MOULTON Bruce 632 679 10 5 -47
115 NS L 0 WARD Larry 632 455 4 2 177
116 NS JR Circuit_1 0 ASHLEY Tyler 245 245 8 0 0 T T
117 NS Dutch Settlement 193 KEAVENEY Conor 731 160 1 0 571
118 NS Dutch Settlement 193 EVERETT Todd 731 255 1 0 476
119 NS Dutch Settlement 193 BARKHOUSE Thomas 731 100 0 0 631 T Sig
120 North East Kings Marathon 0 PATUREL Tyler 417 277 5 2 140
121 North East Kings Marathon 0 BROWN Blake 417 217 3 1 200 T
122 North East Kings Marathon 0 MOULTON William 417 975 50 25 -558
123 North East Kings Marathon 0 BELLEFONTAINE Cynthia 417 558 14 7 -141
124 North East Kings Marathon 0 CRAAN Stephane 417 582 17 8 -165 T
125 North East Kings Marathon 0 HEIGHT David 417 416 8 4 1
126 North East Kings Marathon 0 FISHER Emily 417 581 17 8 -164
127 Musquodoboit Valley closed 210 GILL Jacob 1019 111 0 0 908 T Sig
128 Musquodoboit Valley closed 210 GLOADE Ryan 1019 375 1 0 644
129 Musquodoboit Valley closed 210 WARREN Brad 1019 320 1 0 699
130 Musq Closed 182 BRIGHTMAN Brandon 632 333 3 1 299
131 Musq Closed 0 HINES Shane 632 256 2 1 376
132 Musq Closed 0 LEMMON Colleen 632 417 3 1 215
133 Musq Closed 0 HINES Adam 632 621 8 4 11
134 Musq Closed 0 BRIGHTMAN Brandon 632 333 3 1 299
135 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 MOULTON William 958 1164 22 11 -206
136 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 YUEN Brian 958 1132 17 8 -174
137 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 YUILL Theresa 958 629 2 1 329
138 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 JOLLIMORE Katie 958 435 1 0 523
139 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 WELLMAN Lee 958 402 0 0 556 T Sig
140 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 MCCAFFREY Kirsten 958 391 1 0 567
141 Dutch Settlement Team Tournament 208 DECOSTE Andy 990 1382 30 15 -392
142 Country Valley Marathon 0 PATUREL Daniel 378 139 3 0 239 T
143 Country Valley Marathon 0 FISHER Emily 378 623 22 0 -245 T
144 Country Valley Marathon 0 BRIGGS Ashley 378 513 14 0 -135 T
145 Country Valley Marathon 0 GOOSENS Peter 378 366 8 0 12 T
146 Country Valley Marathon 0 BELLEFONTAINE Stacey 378 311 6 0 67 T
147 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 YUEN Brian 1083 1147 18 16 -64
148 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 CRAAN Stephane 1083 832 5 3 251
149 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 KEAVENEY Dennis 1083 761 3 1 322
150 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 KEAVENEY Peter 1083 655 2 0 428























TRENAMAN Stephen loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 McDONALD Peter 1028 1083 18 16 -55
2 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 ANAND Munish 917 1083 24 22 -166
3 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 LAM Jingbing 792 1083 27 25 -291
4 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 MERKEL Michael 769 1083 30 28 -314
5 ** Truro Open Marathon 256 SU Jin 689 1083 30 28 -394
6 NS League 216 HINES Steven 1696 1078 1 0 618
7 NS League 216 FISHER Joe 1473 1078 2 1 395
8 NS League 215 PERIGO Richard 1355 1056 3 1 299
9 NS League 215 HINES Steven 1673 1056 1 0 617
10 Musquodoboit Valley closed 210 HINES Shane 1049 1019 7 3 30
11 Musquodoboit Valley closed 210 PERIGO Richard 1343 1019 2 1 324
12 NS League 210 FISHER Joe 1406 1019 2 1 387
13 NS League 210 FISHER Joe 1406 1019 2 1 387
14 NS League 210 HINES Shane 1049 1019 7 3 30
15 NS League 210 HINES Shane 1049 1019 7 3 30
16 NS League 210 PERIGO Richard 1343 1019 2 1 324
17 Dutch Settlement Team Tournament 208 KENT Isaac 1839 990 1 0 849
18 Dutch Settlement Team Tournament 208 WILSON Keith 1275 990 3 1 285
19 Dutch Settlement Team Tournament 208 RUDOLPH Darren 1572 990 1 0 582
20 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 PATUREL Tyler 1175 958 3 1 217
21 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 GOOSENS Stéphane 1152 958 4 2 194
22 Gaetz Brook Marathon 205 CRAAN Stephane 712 958 22 11 -246
23 NS Leagues 205 ERSKINE Wayne 1390 958 1 0 432
24 NS Leagues 205 HINES Steven 1438 958 1 0 480
25 NS Leagues 205 HINES Shane 1032 958 6 3 74
26 NS Leagues 203 ERSKINE Wayne 1412 850 1 0 562
27 NS Leagues 203 HINES Steven 1380 850 1 0 530
28 NS Leagues 203 LEMMON Ted 1125 850 3 1 275
29 NS Leagues 203 GLOADE Ryan 281 850 50 25 -569
30 NS Leagues 203 ERSKINE Wayne 1412 850 1 0 562
31 NS Leagues 203 FISHER Joe 1334 850 1 0 484
32 NS Leagues 203 LEMMON Ted 1125 850 3 1 275
33 NS Leagues 203 FISHER Joe 1334 850 1 0 484
34 NS League 197 HINES Shane 640 848 22 11 -208
35 NS League 197 MOULTON William 1205 848 2 1 357
36 NS League 197 HINES Shane 640 848 22 11 -208
37 NS League 197 MOULTON William 1205 848 2 1 357
38 NS League 197 MOULTON William 1205 848 2 1 357
39 NS League 197 HINES Shane 640 848 22 11 -208
40 NS Leagues 196 HINES Steven 1196 848 2 1 348
41 NS Leagues 195 LEMMON Ted 1112 785 2 1 327
42 NS Leagues 195 FISHER Joe 1286 785 1 0 501
43 NS Leagues 194 HINES Steven 1086 783 2 1 303
44 NS Dutch Settlement 193 CHATFIELD Michael 1584 731 1 0 853
45 NS Dutch Settlement 193 GOOSENS Stéphane 910 731 4 2 179
46 NS League 192 LEMMON Ted 1157 708 1 0 449
47 NS League 192 HINES Steven 1016 708 2 1 308
48 NS League 192 HINES Steven 1016 708 2 1 308
49 NS Leagues 191 ERSKINE Wayne 1397 646 1 0 751
50 NS Leagues 191 FISHER Joe 1368 646 1 0 722
51 NS Leagues 191 ERSKINE Wayne 1397 646 1 0 751
52 NS Leagues 191 HINES Steven 972 646 2 1 326
53 NS Leagues 191 LEMMON Ted 1133 646 1 0 487
54 Musq Closed 182 HINES Steven 865 632 3 1 233
55 NS League 179 HINES Steven 795 417 2 1 378
56 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 177 MOULTON Bruce 578 378 3 1 200
57 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 LEIGHTON Doug 209 378 17 8 -169 T
58 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 HINES Steven 732 378 2 1 354 T
59 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 HINES Adam 100 378 22 11 -278 T
60 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 WARD Larry 258 378 14 0 -120 T T
61 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 COLES Kyle 100 378 22 11 -278 T
62 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 MOULTON Bruce 578 378 3 1 200 T
63 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 HINES Steven 792 404 2 1 388
64 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 LEIGHTON Doug 298 404 14 7 -106
65 NS League 9_Jan_2005 0 FISHER Joe 1397 404 1 0 993
66 NS JR Circuit_1 0 CHATFIELD Michael 976 245 1 0 731 T
67 NS JR Circuit_1 0 KENT Isaac 784 245 1 0 539 T
68 NS JR Circuit_1 0 HINES Steven 659 245 1 0 414 T T
69 Country Valley Marathon 0 ERSKINE Wayne 1384 378 1 0 1006 T
70 Country Valley Marathon 0 CHATFIELD Michael 1048 378 1 0 670 T
71 Country Valley Marathon 0 HINES Adam 100 378 22 11 -278 T
72 Country Valley Marathon 0 MOULTON Bruce 578 378 3 1 200 T
73 Country Valley Marathon 0 GOOSENS Peter 366 378 9 4 -12 T
74 NS League _ 12_Dec_2004 0 FISHER Joe 1429 378 1 0 1051 T
75 NS League 0 HINES Steven 795 417 2 1 378
76 NS League 0 MOULTON Bruce 603 417 4 2 186
77 NS League 0 HINES Steven 795 417 2 1 378
78 North East Kings Marathon 0 TAN Boon Hee 1320 417 1 0 903 T
79 North East Kings Marathon 0 GREENE Wayne 1004 417 1 0 587
80 North East Kings Marathon 0 KELLY Colin 745 417 2 1 328
81 North East Kings Marathon 0 HINES Steven 795 417 2 1 378
82 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 MOULTON William 945 562 2 1 383
83 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 FISHER Joe 1406 562 1 0 844
84 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 MOULTON Bruce 612 562 6 3 50
85 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 ISENOR Chad 869 562 2 1 307
86 NS League - 13-Mar-2005 0 LEIGHTON Doug 419 562 14 7 -143
87 NS Team 0 MOULTON William 963 560 1 0 403
88 NS Team 0 GOOSENS Stéphane 545 560 9 4 -15
89 NS Team 0 WANG Eric 1158 560 1 0 598 T
90 NS Team 0 GREENOUGH David 1185 560 1 0 625
91 NS Team 0 REDDEN Danny 976 560 1 0 416
92 NS Team 0 CORMIER Jean-Francois 824 560 3 1 264
93 NS Team 0 XU Jamie 835 560 3 1 275
94 NS League 10-Apr-2005 0 HINES Steven 833 560 3 1 273
95 NS L 0 FISHER Joe 1374 632 1 0 742
96 NS L 0 HINES Steven 865 632 3 1 233
97 Musq Closed 0 HINES Shane 256 632 30 15 -376
98 Musq Closed 0 HINES Steven 865 632 3 1 233
99 Musq Closed 0 HINES Steven 865 632 3 1 233
100 Musq Closed 0 FISHER Joe 1374 632 1 0 742