TAM Simon : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 RANCOURT Pierre 967 1043 12 6 -76
2 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 CHAN Albert 967 969 9 4 -2
3 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 TARDIF Marc 967 431 1 0 536
4 Circuit Stiga #5 196 HEBERT Henri 947 790 4 2 157
5 Circuit Stiga #5 196 DEMERS Raymond 947 397 1 0 550
6 Circuit Stiga #5 196 BEAUREGARD Chantal 947 100 0 0 847 T Sig
7 Circuit Stiga #5 196 GAUVREAU Maurice 947 1143 17 8 -196
8 Circuit Stiga #5 196 MORISSET Jean-Guy 947 581 2 1 366
9 STIGA Circuit #4 195 GAUVREAU Maurice 943 1124 17 0 -181 T Sig
10 STIGA Circuit #4 195 WATTERS Steve 943 488 1 0 455 T Sig
11 STIGA Circuit #4 195 PLANTE Robert 943 730 3 0 213 T T Sig
12 STIGA Circuit #3 193 GARNER Michel 962 706 3 1 256 T Sig
13 STIGA Circuit #2 192 ABOU-CHAKRA Khaled 946 1055 14 7 -109 T Sig
14 STIGA Circuit #2 192 MORISSET Jean-Guy 946 583 2 1 363 T Sig
15 STIGA Circuit #2 192 BUTLER Barry 946 707 3 1 239
16 STIGA Circuit #2 192 BUTLER Barry 946 707 3 1 239 T Sig























TAM Simon loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 LANDRY Claude 1204 967 3 1 237
2 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 POTVIN Mario 1162 967 4 2 195
3 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 TOURANGEAU Gérald 1078 967 5 2 111
4 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 CHENIER Robert 852 967 14 7 -115
5 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 LABRECHE Louis 1283 967 2 1 316
6 Circuit STIGA #6 Part Two 198 DUKESHIRE Gary 1198 967 3 1 231
7 STIGA Circuit #3 193 DUKESHIRE Gary 1205 962 3 0 243 T T Sig
8 STIGA Circuit #3 193 PARTHENAIS Robert 805 962 17 8 -157 T Sig
9 STIGA Circuit #3 193 EL-KHOURY Joseph 762 962 22 0 -200 T T Sig
10 STIGA Circuit #3 193 LANDRY Gilles 1282 962 2 1 320 T Sig
11 STIGA Circuit #3 193 COULOMBE Mario 1144 962 4 2 182 T T
12 Circuit Stiga #5 196 TOURANGEAU Gérald 1023 947 6 3 76
13 Circuit Stiga #5 196 LANDRY Claude 1195 947 3 1 248
14 STIGA Circuit #2 192 LABRECHE Louis 1195 946 3 1 249
15 STIGA Circuit #2 192 POTVIN Mario 1110 946 4 2 164 T Sig
16 STIGA Circuit #2 192 RANCOURT Pierre 951 946 8 0 5 T Sig
17 STIGA Circuit #2 192 LABRECHE Louis 1195 946 3 1 249 T Sig
18 STIGA Circuit #2 192 LANDRY Claude 1090 946 5 2 144 T Sig
19 STIGA Circuit #2 192 RANCOURT Pierre 951 946 8 0 5 T T Sig
20 STIGA Circuit #4 195 POTVIN Mario 1192 943 0 1 249 T Sig
21 STIGA Circuit #4 195 ROGER Thierry 1695 943 0 0 752 T Sig
22 STIGA Circuit #4 195 TOURANGEAU Gérald 972 943 0 3 29 T Sig
23 STIGA Circuit #4 195 LANDRY Gilles 1288 943 0 1 345 T Sig
24 STIGA Circuit #4 195 POTVIN Mario 1192 943 0 1 249 T Sig
25 STIGA Circuit #4 195 TOURANGEAU Gérald 972 943 0 3 29 T Sig
26 STIGA Circuit #4 195 EL-KHOURY Joseph 784 943 0 8 -159 T Sig