Nadurak Samuel : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * WPG District League 287 Su Shaelynn 411 265 5 4 146
2 * WPG District League 287 Deng Yunyang 411 570 16 13 -159
3 * WPG District League 287 Vong Jasmine 411 172 3 2 239
4 * WPG District League 287 Buda Daria 411 100 2 1 311 T Sig
5 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Buda Daria 411 100 3 1 311 T Sig
6 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Tarry Keith 411 244 6 4 167 T Sig
7 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Alnouri Sahel 411 301 8 6 110
8 ** SK Open 286 BLACK Maverick 370 227 8 6 143
9 ** SK Open 286 HOTONOMIE Creedon 370 207 6 4 163
10 ** SK Open 286 RUNNS Brad 370 127 5 3 243 T Sig
11 ** SK Open 286 COLEMAN Dave 370 664 27 25 -294
12 ** SK Open 286 JACK Kyrah 370 126 5 3 244 T Sig
13 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 TRAHAN Luc 317 494 40 36 -177
14 * Winnipeg League 283 Walker Morley 317 523 18 16 -206
15 * Winnipeg League 283 Su Shaelynn 317 207 5 4 110
16 * Winnipeg League 283 Vong Jasmine 317 144 4 3 173
17 * Winnipeg League 283 Buda Daria 317 100 3 2 217
18 * Winnipeg League 283 Su Jason 317 284 7 6 33
19 * Winnipeg League 283 Su Kaitlyn 317 355 10 8 -38
20 * Winnipeg League 283 Su Shaelynn 317 207 5 4 110
21 * MB Leagues 282 Vong Jasmine 312 142 4 3 170
22 * MB Leagues 282 Makinano Euwe 312 356 10 8 -44
23 * MB Leagues 282 Su Jason 312 221 6 5 91
24 * MB Leagues 282 Su Shaelynn 312 252 6 5 60
25 * MB Leagues 282 Su Kaitlyn 312 323 8 6 -11
26 * MB Leagues 282 Chang Anwyl 312 442 14 12 -130
27 * MB Leagues 282 Su Jason 312 221 6 5 91
28 * MB Leagues 282 Su Kaitlyn 312 323 8 6 -11
29 * MB League 281 Makinano Euwe 273 363 12 10 -90
30 * MB League 281 Su Jason 273 190 6 5 83
31 * MB League 281 Su Shaelynn 273 247 7 6 26
32 * MB League 281 Vong Jasmine 273 133 5 4 140
33 * MB League 281 Chang Cam 273 571 18 16 -298
34 * MB League 281 Makinano Euwe 273 363 12 10 -90
35 * MB League 281 Wong Carol-Jean 273 260 8 6 13
36 * MB League 281 Vong Jasmine 273 133 5 4 140
37 * MB Leagues 280 Makinano Euwe 309 274 7 6 35
38 * MB Leagues 280 Baldes Hubert 309 274 7 6 35 T Sig
39 * MB Leagues 280 Vong Jasmine 309 100 3 2 209
40 * MB Leagues 280 Buda Daria 309 100 3 2 209
41 * MB Leagues 280 Kouzinets Evgeni 309 100 3 2 209 T Sig
42 ** Golden Boy Open 279 Su Kaitlyn 254 308 18 16 -54
43 ** Golden Boy Open 279 Su Kaitlyn 254 308 18 16 -54
44 * MB Leagues 279 Su Jason 254 221 7 6 33
45 * MB Leagues 279 Su Shaelynn 254 186 6 5 68
46 * MB Leagues 279 Chang Anwyl 254 335 12 10 -81
47 * MB Leagues 279 Su Jason 254 221 7 6 33
48 * MB Leagues 279 Makinano Euwe 254 234 8 6 20
49 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Su Jason 257 209 7 6 48
50 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Buda Daria 257 100 4 3 157 T Sig
51 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Vong Jasmine 257 100 4 3 157 T Sig
52 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Su Shaelynn 257 181 6 5 76
53 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Buda Daria 257 100 4 3 157 T Sig
54 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Vong Jasmine 257 100 4 3 157 T Sig
55 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Su Jason 257 209 7 6 48
56 ** Red River Open 277 WIEBE Toban 195 182 12 10 13 T Sig
57 * Winnipeg League 277 Chow Gordon 195 322 14 12 -127
58 * Winnipeg League 277 Su Shaelynn 195 220 10 8 -25
59 * Winnipeg League 277 Buda Daria 195 100 6 5 95 T Sig
60 * Winnipeg League 277 195 112 6 5 83
61 * Winnipeg League 277 Su Kaitlyn 195 306 14 12 -111
62 * Winnipeg League 277 Su Shaelynn 195 220 10 8 -25
63 * Winnipeg League 277 Su Jason 195 228 10 8 -33 T Sig
64 * Winnipeg League 277 Chang Anwyl 195 327 14 12 -132
65 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Buda Daria 161 102 6 0 59 T T
66 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Buda Daria 161 102 6 0 59 T T
67 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Makinano Euwe 161 222 12 0 -61 T Sig
68 ** Manitoba Closed 276 Friebus Daniel 161 100 9 0 61 T T
69 ** Manitoba Closed 276 Fink Oskar 161 100 9 0 61 T T
70 ** Manitoba Closed 276 Vong Jasmine 161 100 9 0 61 T T























Nadurak Samuel loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Tournament of Champions 281 ZHANG Tian-Terry 2716 273 2 0 2443
2 ** Red River Open 277 Zaki Manuel 869 195 2 0 674
3 * Winnipeg League 277 Zaki Manuel 869 195 1 0 674
4 ** Red River Open 277 Yu Victor 494 195 5 3 299
5 * MB League 281 Yu Victor 497 273 3 2 224
6 * MB Leagues 282 Yu Victor 521 312 3 2 209
7 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Yu Victor 521 312 3 2 209
8 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Yu Victor 521 312 3 2 209
9 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 Yu Victor 532 317 8 5 215
10 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 Yu Victor 532 317 8 5 215
11 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 YEUNG Terence 614 317 8 5 297
12 * WPG District League 287 Yao Yifan 556 411 5 0 145 T Sig
13 ** Manitoba Open 280 Woodhouse Tyler 204 309 21 0 -105 T Sig
14 * MB League 281 Wong Carol-Jean 260 273 8 6 -13
15 ** Red River Open 277 Wong Carol-Jean 241 195 11 9 46
16 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Wong Carol-Jean 275 257 8 6 18
17 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Wong Carol-Jean 334 411 18 16 -77
18 * WPG District League 287 Walker Morley 535 411 5 4 124
19 * MB Leagues 282 Walker Morley 451 312 5 4 139
20 * Winnipeg League 277 Walker Morley 455 195 3 2 260
21 * MB Leagues 280 Walker Morley 444 309 5 4 135
22 * MB Leagues 282 Tran Norman 703 312 2 1 391
23 * MB Leagues 280 Tran Norman 688 309 2 1 379
24 * Winnipeg League 277 Tran Norman 693 195 1 0 498
25 * MB Leagues 282 Tran Norman 703 312 2 1 391
26 * MB Leagues 282 Tran Naomi 815 312 1 0 503
27 * Winnipeg League 283 Tran Naomi 818 317 1 0 501
28 * WPG District League 287 Tran Naomi 844 411 1 0 433
29 ** Red River Open 277 Tran Naomi 618 195 2 0 423
30 * MB Leagues 279 Tran Naomi 725 254 1 0 471
31 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Tran Nam 438 161 3 2 277 T Sig
32 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Tran Nam 438 161 3 2 277 T Sig
33 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Toews Larry 286 161 5 0 125 T T
34 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Toews Larry 366 257 5 4 109
35 * MB Leagues 279 Toews Larry 379 254 5 4 125
36 * MB Leagues 280 Toews Larry 381 309 6 5 72
37 ** Manitoba Open 280 Tantakoun Tiffany 475 309 6 4 166
38 * MB League 281 Tantakoun Tiffany 476 273 3 2 203
39 * MB Leagues 280 Tantakoun Tiffany 475 309 4 3 166
40 * Winnipeg League 277 Tantakoun Tiffany 485 195 3 2 290
41 * Winnipeg League 277 Tantakoun Tiffany 485 195 3 2 290
42 ** Red River Open 277 Tantakoun Tiffany 485 195 5 3 290
43 * WPG District League 287 Tantakoun Tiffany 420 411 8 6 9
44 ** SK Open 286 Tantakoun Tiffany 481 370 8 6 111
45 * WPG District League 287 Tantakoun Tiffany 420 411 8 6 9
46 * MB Leagues 282 Tantakoun Tiffany 520 312 3 2 208
47 * MB Leagues 280 Su Shaelynn 201 309 14 12 -108
48 * MB League 281 Su Shaelynn 247 273 10 8 -26
49 ** SK Open 286 SU Lida 903 370 2 0 533
50 * WPG District League 287 Su Kaitlyn 389 411 8 6 -22
51 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Su Kaitlyn 389 411 12 10 -22
52 * MB Leagues 282 Su Kaitlyn 323 312 8 6 11
53 * Winnipeg League 283 Su Kaitlyn 355 317 7 6 38
54 * MB Leagues 280 Su Kaitlyn 309 309 8 6 0
55 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Su Kaitlyn 210 161 7 6 49 T Sig
56 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 STUBBINGS Garrett 732 317 3 0 415
57 * WPG District League 287 Sioson Juanito 256 411 16 0 -155 T Sig
58 * WPG District League 287 Sioson Juanito 256 411 16 0 -155 T Sig
59 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 Schroeder Colin 692 317 5 2 375
60 * Winnipeg League 283 Schroeder Colin 692 317 2 1 375
61 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Schroeder Colin 654 312 2 1 342
62 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Schroeder Colin 654 312 2 1 342
63 * Winnipeg League 277 Schroeder Colin 287 195 6 5 92
64 ** Golden Boy Open 279 Schroeder Colin 435 254 6 4 181
65 ** Tournament of Champions 281 Schroeder Colin 575 273 3 1 302
66 ** Manitoba Open 280 RYBAK Michal 1623 309 2 0 1314
67 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 RAMIREZ Santiago 2086 317 3 0 1769
68 ** Manitoba Closed 287 NGUYEN Phuong 838 411 2 0 427
69 ** Red River Open 277 NGUYEN Phuong 681 195 2 0 486
70 ** Manitoba Closed 276 NGUYEN Phuong 687 161 2 0 526 T Sig
71 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Nadurak Liam 314 161 4 0 153 T T
72 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Nadurak Liam 314 161 4 0 153 T T
73 ** Manitoba Closed 276 Nadurak Liam 314 161 6 0 153 T T
74 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Nadurak Liam 393 257 5 4 136
75 * MB Leagues 280 Nadurak Liam 478 309 4 3 169
76 * MB Leagues 279 Nadurak Liam 410 254 4 3 156
77 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Nadurak Liam 645 411 5 3 234
78 * MB League 281 Mendoza Alex 1383 273 1 0 1110
79 * MB Leagues 282 Mendoza Alex 1363 312 1 0 1051
80 ** Golden Boy Open 279 Mendoza Alex 1334 254 2 0 1080
81 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Makinano Euwe 204 257 12 10 -53
82 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Makinano Euwe 204 257 12 10 -53
83 ** Manitoba Open 280 Makinano Euwe 274 309 15 13 -35
84 ** Manitoba Closed 276 Makinano Euwe 222 161 9 7 61 T Sig
85 * MB Leagues 282 Makinano Euwe 356 312 7 6 44
86 * MB Leagues 282 Makinano Euwe 356 312 7 6 44
87 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 LUO Michael 2660 317 3 0 2343
88 ** Golden Boy Open 279 LIU William 2167 254 2 0 1913
89 ** Red River Open 277 Liu Tina 741 195 2 0 546
90 ** Manitoba Open 280 Liu Tina 763 309 2 0 454
91 ** Manitoba Closed 276 Liu Jacie 599 161 2 0 438 T Sig
92 ** SK Open 286 LI Zhong 862 370 2 0 492
93 ** Golden Boy Open 279 Lehmann Matthew 1849 254 2 0 1595
94 * WPG District League 287 Langenbach Edwin 335 411 12 0 -76 T Sig
95 * WPG District League 287 Langenbach Edwin 335 411 12 0 -76 T Sig
96 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Hernandez Eric 593 411 6 0 182 T Sig
97 * Winnipeg League 277 Guo Xiang 789 195 1 0 594
98 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Guo Xiang 784 161 1 0 623 T Sig
99 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 FINOL CANTIN Martin 1409 317 3 0 1092
100 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 EASSON Jeff 589 317 8 5 272
101 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Deng Yunyang 570 411 6 4 159
102 ** SK Open 286 Deng Yunyang 538 370 6 4 168
103 * MB Leagues 279 Deng Yunyang 554 254 3 2 300
104 * MB Leagues 279 Deng Yunyang 554 254 3 2 300
105 * MB Leagues 280 Deng Yunyang 521 309 3 2 212
106 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 CHU Evans 1528 317 3 0 1211
107 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Chow Gordon 403 312 6 5 91
108 * MB Leagues 282 Chow Gordon 403 312 6 5 91
109 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Chow Gordon 403 312 6 5 91
110 * Winnipeg League 283 Chow Gordon 465 317 5 4 148
111 * WPG District League 287 Chow Gordon 486 411 6 5 75
112 * MB Leagues 279 Chow Gordon 375 254 5 4 121
113 ** Tournament of Champions 281 Chow Gordon 419 273 8 6 146
114 * Winnipeg League 277 Chow Gordon 322 195 5 4 127
115 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 CHEN Hongtao 3723 317 3 0 3406
116 * Winnipeg League 283 Chang Cam 560 317 3 2 243
117 * MB League 281 Chang Cam 571 273 3 2 298
118 * MB Leagues 279 Chang Cam 522 254 3 2 268
119 * MB Leagues 280 Chang Anwyl 316 309 8 6 7
120 * MB League 281 Chang Anwyl 438 273 4 3 165
121 ** Tournament of Champions 281 Chang Anwyl 438 273 6 4 165
122 * Winnipeg League 277 Chang Anwyl 327 195 5 4 132
123 * Winnipeg & District League 278 Chang Anwyl 313 257 6 5 56
124 * Winnipeg League 283 Chang Anwyl 429 317 5 4 112
125 * MB Nat'l Trials 282 Chang Anwyl 442 312 5 4 130
126 * MB Leagues 282 Chang Anwyl 442 312 5 4 130
127 * MB League 281 Chan Cheuk 904 273 1 0 631
128 ** SK Open 286 CAPPO Delvin 814 370 2 0 444
129 ** Manitoba Open 280 Bear Danny 204 309 21 0 -105 T Sig
130 ** Manitoba Closed 287 Bao Victor 1256 411 2 0 845
131 * Winnipeg & District League 276 Ahmed Ershad 274 161 5 0 113 T T