FENG Hongjun : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Gagro Takeo 477 190 5 3 287 Sig
2 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Tran Norman 477 729 27 25 -252 Sig
3 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Liu Anna 477 484 12 10 -7 Sig
4 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Chen Jinkun 477 569 18 16 -92 Sig
5 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Quinicio Fhebie Kaye 477 380 9 7 97 T Sig
6 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Bernales Raul 477 501 12 10 -24 Sig
7 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LEE Kin Pong 477 655 24 22 -178 Sig
8 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Gagro Takeo 477 190 5 3 287 Sig
9 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Quinicio Fhebie Kaye 477 380 9 7 97 T Sig
10 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 ABBAS Ali 477 760 27 25 -283 Sig
11 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LEE Kin Pong 477 655 24 22 -178 Sig
12 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Loganathan Nibusha 451 380 9 7 71 Sig
13 ** Winnipeg District League 342 LIU Joyce 451 274 6 4 177 Sig
14 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Gagro Takeo 451 139 3 1 312 Sig
15 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Yang Handan 451 111 3 1 340 Sig
16 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Retta Maezishi 451 100 3 1 351 T Sig
17 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Gagro Takeo 451 139 3 1 312 Sig
18 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Loganathan Nibusha 451 380 9 7 71 Sig
19 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Chen Jinkun 451 554 21 19 -103 Sig
20 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Yang Handan 451 111 3 1 340 Sig
21 * SITCO team tournament 342 Loganathan Nibusha 451 380 6 5 71 Sig
22 * SITCO team tournament 342 YANG Freddy 451 342 5 4 109 T Sig
23 * SITCO team tournament 342 CHEN Tom 451 434 8 6 17 T Sig
24 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Loganathan Nibusha 521 371 8 6 150 Sig
25 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Liu Anna 521 443 9 7 78 Sig
26 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Chen Jinkun 521 538 12 10 -17 Sig
27 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Loganathan Nibusha 521 371 10 7 150 Sig
28 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Qi Grace 521 536 16 13 -15 Sig
29 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Loganathan Nibusha 503 226 5 3 277 Sig
30 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Huang Jeremy 503 571 18 16 -68 Sig
31 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Chen Jinkun 503 438 9 7 65 Sig
32 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Yang Handan 503 100 2 0 403 Sig
33 ** Winnipeg District League 340 LIU Joyce 503 185 3 1 318 Sig
34 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Liu Anna 503 410 9 7 93 Sig
35 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Loganathan Nibusha 503 226 5 3 277 Sig
36 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Chen Jinkun 503 438 9 7 65 Sig
37 ** Manitoba Open 340 Chen Jinkun 503 438 9 7 65 Sig
38 ** Manitoba Open 340 Gagro Takeo 503 174 3 1 329 T Sig
39 ** Manitoba Open 340 MUIRHEAD Kellen 503 317 6 4 186 Sig
40 ** Manitoba Open 340 Liu Anna 503 410 9 7 93 Sig
41 ** Manitoba Open 340 Yang Handan 503 100 2 0 403 Sig
42 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Aldaba Evelyn 394 579 24 22 -185 Sig
43 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Bernales Raul 394 679 27 25 -285 Sig
44 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Liu Anna 394 460 18 16 -66 Sig
45 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Li Jason 394 473 18 16 -79 Sig
46 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Li Jason 394 473 18 16 -79 Sig
47 ** Winnipeg District League 339 LEE Kin Pong 394 677 27 25 -283 Sig
48 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Liu Anna 394 460 18 16 -66 Sig
49 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Yang Handan 394 116 5 3 278 Sig
50 ** 2018 GBO 339 Charach Sam 394 100 5 3 294 T Sig
51 ** 2018 GBO 339 Charach Sam 394 100 5 3 294 T Sig
52 ** 2018 GBO 339 Liu Anna 394 460 18 16 -66 Sig
53 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Chen Jinkun 426 413 12 10 13 Sig
54 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Liu Song 426 118 3 1 308 T Sig
55 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 LIU Joyce 426 135 5 3 291 T Sig
56 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Yang Handan 426 100 3 1 326 T Sig
57 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Aldaba Evelyn 426 588 24 22 -162 Sig
58 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Loganathan Nibusha 479 204 5 3 275 Sig
59 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Chen Jinkun 479 406 9 7 73 Sig
60 ** Manitoba Close 337 Loganathan Nibusha 479 204 5 3 275 Sig
61 ** Manitoba Close 337 Huang Jeremy 479 277 5 3 202 Sig
62 ** Manitoba Close 337 Geake Joel 479 181 5 3 298 T Sig
63 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Chen Jinkun 396 465 18 16 -69 Sig
64 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Liu Anna 396 395 12 10 1 Sig
65 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Huang Jeremy 396 218 6 4 178 Sig
66 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Li Jason 396 293 8 6 103 Sig
67 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 LIU Julian 396 459 18 16 -63 Sig
68 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Li Jason 396 293 8 6 103 Sig
69 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Huang Jeremy 396 218 6 4 178 Sig
70 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Liu Anna 396 395 12 10 1 Sig
71 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Li Jason 396 293 8 6 103 Sig
72 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Huang Jeremy 396 218 6 4 178 Sig
73 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Chen Jinkun 396 465 18 16 -69 Sig
74 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Loganathan Nibusha 396 219 6 4 177 Sig
75 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Huang Jeremy 396 218 6 4 178 Sig
76 * SITCO tournament 330 ASHDOHONK Joseph 393 223 4 3 170 Sig
77 * SITCO tournament 330 ROPE Denzel 393 307 6 5 86 Sig
78 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Hewlett Russell 324 100 5 3 224 T Sig
79 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Li Jason 324 247 9 7 77 Sig
80 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Li Jason 324 247 9 7 77 Sig
81 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Loganathan Nibusha 324 339 12 10 -15 Sig
82 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Hewlett Parker 324 279 11 9 45 Sig
83 ** Wpg Super League 329 Loganathan Nibusha 324 339 12 10 -15 Sig
84 ** Wpg Super League 329 Huang Jeremy 324 159 6 4 165 Sig
85 ** Wpg Super League 329 Liu Anna 324 443 21 19 -119 Sig
86 ** Wpg Super League 329 Chen Jinkun 324 415 18 16 -91 Sig
87 ** Wpg Super League 329 Loganathan Nibusha 324 339 12 10 -15 Sig
88 ** Wpg Super League 329 Li Jason 324 247 9 7 77 Sig
89 ** Manitoba Open 328 Loganathan Nibusha 276 429 24 22 -153 Sig
90 ** Manitoba Open 328 Bowles Keagan 276 138 8 6 138 T Sig
91 ** Manitoba Open 328 Li Jason 276 261 12 10 15 Sig
92 ** Manitoba Open 328 Huang Jeremy 276 161 8 6 115 Sig
93 ** Manitoba Open 328 Hewlett Kim 276 121 6 4 155 T Sig
94 ** Manitoba Open 328 Xiong Tianyi 276 170 8 6 106 T Sig
95 ** Manitoba Open 328 SHA Ruby 276 231 11 9 45 Sig
96 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Duan Lucas 182 100 9 7 82 T Sig
97 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Huang Jeremy 182 151 11 9 31 Sig
98 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Al Sheikh Omar Osaid 182 100 9 7 82 T Sig
99 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Liu Charly 182 106 9 7 76 T Sig
100 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Huang Jeremy 182 151 7 6 31 Sig
101 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Huang Jeremy 182 151 7 6 31 Sig
102 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Chen Jinkun 182 633 22 20 -451 Sig
103 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Li Jason 182 171 8 6 11 Sig
104 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Li Jason 182 171 8 6 11 Sig
105 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Huang Jeremy 182 151 7 6 31 Sig
106 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Boo Maynard 182 496 20 18 -314 T Sig
107 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Li Jason 182 171 8 6 11 Sig
108 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Huang Jeremy 182 151 7 6 31 Sig
109 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Huang Jeremy 183 111 9 7 72 Sig
110 ** MB Closed 325 Stevens Samuel 117 100 12 10 17 T Sig
111 ** MB Closed 325 Huang Jeremy 117 108 12 10 9 T Sig
112 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Li Jason 117 108 12 10 9 T Sig
113 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Stevens Samuel 117 100 12 10 17 T Sig
114 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Li Jason 117 108 12 10 9 T Sig
115 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Huang Jeremy 117 108 12 10 9 T Sig
116 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Li Jason 117 108 12 10 9 T Sig
117 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Huang Jeremy 117 108 12 10 9 T Sig
118 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 Agrawal Sparsh 100 312 27 25 -212 Sig
119 ** MB Super League 315 Mercado Lorenzo 164 128 11 0 36 T T Sig
120 ** MB Super League 315 Mercado Lorenzo 164 128 11 0 36 T T Sig
121 ** MB Super League 315 LIU Julian 164 155 12 0 9 T T Sig
122 ** MB Super League 314 LIU Julian 175 109 9 0 66 T T Sig
123 ** MB Super League 314 Mercado Leandro 175 111 9 0 64 T T Sig
124 ** MB Super League 314 Liu Anna 175 228 18 0 -53 T Sig























FENG Hongjun loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** MB Super League 315 Donnelly Riya 176 164 12 10 12 T Sig
2 ** MB Super League 314 Donnelly Riya 122 175 18 16 -53 T Sig
3 ** MB Super League 314 Donnelly Riya 122 175 18 16 -53 T Sig
4 ** MB Super League 314 Donnelly Asha 132 175 15 13 -43 T Sig
5 ** MB Super League 315 Donnelly Asha 152 164 12 10 -12 T Sig
6 ** MB Super League 315 Donnelly Asha 152 164 12 10 -12 T Sig
7 ** MB Super League 315 Liu Anna 210 164 11 9 46 T Sig
8 ** MB Super League 315 Liu Anna 210 164 11 9 46 T Sig
9 ** MB Super League 315 Mercado Lorenzo 128 164 15 0 -36 T T Sig
10 ** MB Super League 314 BUCHBERGER Kieran 224 175 11 9 49 T Sig
11 ** MB Super League 315 Fossay Matthew 243 164 9 0 79 T T Sig
12 ** MB Super League 315 Vu Ben 155 164 12 0 -9 T T Sig
13 ** MB Super League 315 Mercado Leandro 129 164 15 13 -35 T Sig
14 ** MB Super League 315 LIU Julian 155 164 12 0 -9 T T Sig
15 ** MB Super League 315 Liu Anna 210 164 11 9 46 T Sig
16 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 Liu Anna 282 100 6 4 182 Sig
17 ** MB Super League 316 Liu Anna 236 128 8 6 108 Sig
18 ** MB Super League 316 LIU Julian 192 128 9 7 64 Sig
19 ** MB Super League 316 LIU Julian 192 128 9 7 64 Sig
20 ** MB Closed 325 LIU Julian 194 117 9 7 77 Sig
21 ** MB Super League 316 Fossay Matthew 410 128 5 3 282 Sig
22 ** MB Super League 316 Mercado Leandro 291 128 6 4 163 Sig
23 * SITCO team tournament 342 ZHU Ethan 546 451 6 0 95 T Sig
24 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Cantada Noel 864 182 1 0 682 Sig
25 ** 2018 GBO 339 Cantada Noel 974 394 2 0 580 Sig
26 * SITCO tournament 330 ZHENG James 592 393 4 3 199 Sig
27 ** MB Super League 316 Vu Ben 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
28 ** MB Super League 316 Vu Ben 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
29 ** MB Super League 316 Vu Ben 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
30 ** MB Super League 316 Vu Ben 202 128 9 7 74 Sig
31 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Vu Ben 404 117 5 3 287 Sig
32 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Vu Ben 566 396 6 4 170 Sig
33 ** Wpg Super League 329 Vu Ben 526 324 5 3 202 Sig
34 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Vu Ben 754 394 3 1 360 Sig
35 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Vu Ben 642 479 6 4 163 Sig
36 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Vu Ben 668 451 5 3 217 Sig
37 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Vu Ben 696 521 8 5 175 Sig
38 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Vu Ben 668 451 5 3 217 Sig
39 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Vu Ben 696 521 6 4 175 Sig
40 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Vu Ben 660 503 6 4 157 Sig
41 ** Manitoba Open 340 Vu Ben 660 503 6 4 157 Sig
42 * SITCO tournament 330 LIU Ted 1531 393 1 0 1138 Sig
43 ** Manitoba Close 337 Aldaba Evelyn 604 479 8 6 125 Sig
44 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Chen Jinkun 465 396 9 7 69 Sig
45 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Chen Jinkun 465 396 9 7 69 Sig
46 ** Wpg Super League 329 Chen Jinkun 415 324 9 7 91 Sig
47 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Chen Jinkun 889 117 2 0 772 T Sig
48 ** Manitoba Open 328 Chen Jinkun 478 276 5 3 202 Sig
49 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Chen Jinkun 538 521 12 10 17 Sig
50 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Chen Jinkun 438 503 18 16 -65 Sig
51 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Chen Jinkun 554 451 8 6 103 Sig
52 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Devitt Paul 568 182 2 0 386 T Sig
53 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Jimenez Thadeus 1494 477 2 0 1017 Sig
54 * SITCO tournament 330 PINKU Marin 1250 393 1 0 857 Sig
55 * SITCO tournament 330 PINKU Marin 1250 393 1 0 857 Sig
56 * SITCO tournament 330 SHRESTHA Ishwar 1099 393 1 0 706 T Sig
57 ** Wpg Super League 329 Chiu Whisky 598 324 5 3 274 Sig
58 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Chiu Whisky 550 182 2 1 368 Sig
59 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Chiu Whisky 522 183 3 0 339 T Sig
60 ** MB Closed 325 Huang Jeremy 108 117 12 0 -9 T Sig
61 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Huang Jeremy 377 426 15 13 -49 Sig
62 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Huang Jeremy 417 394 12 10 23 Sig
63 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Huang Jeremy 417 394 12 10 23 Sig
64 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Huang Jeremy 417 394 12 10 23 Sig
65 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Huang Jeremy 277 479 27 25 -202 Sig
66 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Huang Jeremy 377 426 15 13 -49 Sig
67 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Huang Jeremy 377 426 15 13 -49 Sig
68 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Huang Jeremy 676 477 6 4 199 Sig
69 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Huang Jeremy 571 503 9 7 68 Sig
70 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Huang Jeremy 571 503 9 7 68 Sig
71 ** 2018 GBO 339 Huang Jeremy 417 394 12 10 23 Sig
72 ** Manitoba Open 340 Huang Jeremy 571 503 9 7 68 Sig
73 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Huang Jeremy 610 521 9 7 89 Sig
74 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Huang Jeremy 581 451 8 6 130 Sig
75 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Li Jason 584 451 8 6 133 Sig
76 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Li Jason 517 521 12 10 -4 Sig
77 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Li Jason 517 521 12 10 -4 Sig
78 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Li Jason 646 477 6 4 169 Sig
79 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Li Jason 446 426 12 10 20 Sig
80 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 Li Jason 446 426 12 10 20 Sig
81 ** Manitoba Close 337 Li Jason 347 479 21 19 -132 Sig
82 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Li Jason 347 479 21 19 -132 Sig
83 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Li Jason 473 394 9 7 79 Sig
84 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Li Jason 473 394 9 7 79 Sig
85 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Li Jason 293 396 21 19 -103 Sig
86 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Li Jason 171 182 8 6 -11 Sig
87 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Li Jason 171 182 8 6 -11 Sig
88 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Li Jason 187 183 12 10 4 Sig
89 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Li Jason 171 182 12 10 -11 Sig
90 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Ramos Cezar 868 477 3 1 391 Sig
91 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 Pelletier Agnes 658 182 1 0 476 T Sig
92 ** Wpg Super League 329 Pelletier Agnes 664 324 3 1 340 Sig
93 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Ye Tony 458 183 5 0 275 T Sig
94 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Bernales Raul 614 479 8 6 135 Sig
95 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Hewlett Parker 277 182 9 0 95 T Sig
96 * SITCO tournament 330 LIOU Howard 882 393 1 0 489 Sig
97 * SITCO tournament 330 LIOU Howard 882 393 1 0 489 Sig
98 ** Manitoba Close 337 Ward Rick 894 479 2 0 415 Sig
99 * SITCO tournament 330 FENG Brian 996 393 1 0 603 Sig
100 * SITCO tournament 330 XU Mike 940 393 1 0 547 T Sig
101 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Dueck Benji 725 477 5 3 248 Sig
102 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Dueck Benji 443 521 18 16 -78 Sig
103 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Dueck Benji 443 521 24 21 -78 Sig
104 ** Manitoba Close 337 Elendu Richard 1277 479 2 0 798 Sig
105 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Hocbo Jay 662 394 5 3 268 Sig
106 ** 2018 GBO 339 Hocbo Jay 662 394 5 3 268 Sig
107 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Hocbo Jay 796 451 3 1 345 Sig
108 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Gagro Takeo 190 477 27 25 -287 Sig
109 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Qi Grace 744 477 5 3 267 Sig
110 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 Qi Grace 744 477 5 3 267 Sig
111 ** Winnipeg District League 342 Qi Grace 571 451 8 6 120 Sig
112 * SITCO team tournament 342 Qi Grace 571 451 5 4 120 Sig
113 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Qi Grace 536 521 12 10 15 Sig
114 *** Tournament of Champions 341 Qi Grace 536 521 16 13 15 Sig
115 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Qi Grace 413 503 18 0 -90 T Sig
116 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Qi Grace 413 503 18 0 -90 T Sig
117 ** Winnipeg District League 340 Qi Grace 413 503 18 0 -90 T Sig
118 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Qi Grace 568 394 6 0 174 T Sig
119 * SITCO team tournament 342 BOLOGUN Ololade 832 451 2 0 381 T Sig
120 * SITCO team tournament 342 HANG Ji 276 451 16 0 -175 T Sig
121 * SITCO team tournament 342 HUSSAIN Latif 434 451 8 0 -17 T Sig
122 * SITCO team tournament 342 LIU Xiaoning 434 451 8 0 -17 T Sig
123 * SITCO team tournament 342 LU Steven 389 451 12 0 -62 T Sig
124 * SITCO team tournament 342 MONTAKHEBI Payman 434 451 8 0 -17 T Sig
125 ** MB League 319 BUCHBERGER Kieran 397 100 5 3 297 Sig
126 ** MB Tournament Of Champions 319 BUCHBERGER Kieran 397 100 5 3 297 Sig
127 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 BUCHBERGER Kieran 468 182 3 2 286 Sig
128 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 BUCHBERGER Kieran 570 396 6 4 174 Sig
129 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 BUCHBERGER Kieran 540 324 5 3 216 Sig
130 ** Wpg Super League 329 BUCHBERGER Kieran 540 324 5 3 216 Sig
131 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 BUCHBERGER Kieran 736 479 5 3 257 Sig
132 *** Tournament of Champions 341 BUCHBERGER Kieran 745 521 6 3 224 Sig
133 ** Winnipeg District League 339 BUCHBERGER Kieran 705 394 3 1 311 Sig
134 ** Winnipeg District League 340 LIU Julian 580 503 9 7 77 Sig
135 ** 2018 GBO 339 LIU Julian 530 394 8 6 136 Sig
136 ** Winnipeg District League 342 LIU Julian 594 451 8 6 143 Sig
137 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 LIU Julian 618 477 8 6 141 Sig
138 ** Winnipeg Super League 348 LIU Julian 618 477 8 6 141 Sig
139 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 LIU Julian 416 426 12 10 -10 Sig
140 ** MANITOBA DISTRICT LEAGUE Week 8-10 338 LIU Julian 416 426 12 10 -10 Sig
141 ** Winnipeg District League 339 LIU Julian 530 394 8 6 136 Sig
142 ** Wpg Super League 329 LIU Julian 414 324 9 7 90 Sig
143 ** Wpg Super League 329 LIU Julian 414 324 9 7 90 Sig
144 ** Wpg Super League 329 LIU Julian 414 324 9 7 90 Sig
145 ** Wpg Super League 329 LIU Julian 414 324 9 7 90 Sig
146 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 LIU Julian 459 396 9 7 63 Sig
147 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 LIU Julian 341 182 4 3 159 Sig
148 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 LIU Julian 341 182 4 3 159 Sig
149 ** Winnipeg Distric League 327 LIU Julian 341 182 4 3 159 Sig
150 ** Winnipeg super League 325 LIU Julian 194 117 9 7 77 Sig
151 * SITCO team tournament 342 ISLAM Md Serajul 531 451 6 5 80 Sig
152 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 KITONG Jeff 1190 183 2 0 1007 Sig
153 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 TRAN Vy 809 183 2 0 626 Sig
154 ** MB Super League 316 TRAN Vy 606 128 2 0 478 Sig
155 ** MB Super League 317 TRAN Vy 607 100 2 0 507 Sig
156 ** MB Closed 325 BUCHBERGER Kieran 433 117 3 1 316 Sig
157 ** MB Super League 316 BUCHBERGER Kieran 461 128 3 1 333 Sig
158 ** MB Super League 316 BUCHBERGER Kieran 461 128 3 1 333 Sig
159 * SITCO team tournament 342 Liu Anna 520 451 6 5 69 Sig
160 ** Winnipeg Super League 341 Liu Anna 443 521 18 16 -78 Sig
161 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Riya 181 128 9 7 53 Sig
162 ** Manitoba Open 328 SHA Ruby 231 276 15 13 -45 Sig
163 ** Manitoba Open 340 SHA Ruby 388 503 21 19 -115 Sig
164 ** MB Super League 317 Langenbach Edwin 830 100 2 0 730 Sig
165 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Sioson Juanito 625 117 2 0 508 Sig
166 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Sioson Juanito 625 117 2 0 508 Sig
167 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Sioson Juanito 625 117 2 0 508 Sig
168 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Sioson Juanito 741 396 3 1 345 Sig
169 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Soriano Glenn 1073 394 2 0 679 Sig
170 ** Winnipeg Diastrict League 337 Averilla R.J. 1007 479 2 0 528 Sig
171 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Averilla R.J. 963 183 2 0 780 Sig
172 ** Manitoba Open 328 LIU Aliya 239 276 15 13 -37 Sig
173 * SITCO tournament 330 GAO Hong 1179 393 1 0 786 Sig
174 * SITCO tournament 330 GAO Hong 1179 393 1 0 786 Sig
175 * SITCO tournament 330 LU Joshua 605 393 3 2 212 Sig
176 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Raymundo Irwin 1308 396 2 0 912 Sig
177 * SITCO team tournament 342 NORMAND Taylor 697 451 3 2 246 Sig
178 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Agrawal Sparsh 462 324 8 6 138 Sig
179 ** Manitoba Golden Boy 327 Liu Anna 377 182 6 4 195 Sig
180 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Liu Anna 234 117 8 6 117 Sig
181 ** MB Closed 325 Liu Anna 234 117 8 6 117 Sig
182 ** Wpg Super League 329 LEE Kin Pong 697 324 3 1 373 Sig
183 * SITCO tournament 330 PARK Sun Kyu 1115 393 1 0 722 Sig
184 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Nguyen Hung 808 117 2 0 691 Sig
185 ** MB Super League 317 NGUYEN Phuong 1192 100 2 0 1092 Sig
186 ** Winnipeg Super League 326 Tran Norman 802 183 2 0 619 Sig
187 ** Winnipeg and District League 331 Tran Norman 799 396 2 0 403 Sig
188 ** Winnipeg District League 339 Tran Norman 851 394 2 0 457 Sig
189 ** 2018 GBO 339 Deng Yunyang 1270 394 2 0 876 Sig
190 ** Manitoba Open 340 Deng Yunyang 1373 503 2 0 870 Sig
191 ** Red River Open & CWG 348 Deng Yunyang 1499 477 2 0 1022 Sig
192 ** MB Tourn Of Champs 329 Liu Tina 979 324 2 0 655 Sig
193 ** Manitoba Open 340 Tran Jeremy 1919 503 2 0 1416 Sig
194 ** MB League 319 Tran Naomi 1060 100 2 0 960 Sig
195 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Tran Naomi 1002 117 2 0 885 Sig
196 * SITCO tournament 330 YIP Allan 620 393 3 2 227 Sig
197 ** Winnipeg super League 325 Mendoza Alex 1538 117 2 0 1421 Sig
198 ** MB Super League 316 Donnelly Asha 226 128 9 7 98 Sig